Saturday, April 29, 2006

Natural Breast Cancer Cure?

A snatch from a health newsletter:

One of the most promising treatments for breast cancer, and all cancers, seems to be linseed oil, which is flaxseed oil. Canadian researchers gave women with breast cancer one muffin a day which contained linseed oil. Cancers were reduced by over forty-two percent. It appeared to work even more effectively than any form of radiation or chemotherapy. The outrage is why isn't more research being done on linseed and flaxseed oils? The answer is obvious.

As I have mentioned to you before, little if any research is ever conducted on a non-patentable substance. Linseed oil and flaxseed oil can not be patented; therefore, no drug company will invest any money.

Ephedra : health hazzard? or valuable suppliment?

A snatch from a health newsletter:

Great Book: Ephedra Fact and Fiction
There is a great book which talks at length about how politics, the press, and special interests are targeting your rights to vitamins, minerals, herbs, and true information about health. The book is entitled Ephedra Fact and Fiction, authored by Mike Fillon, and published by Woodland Publishing, (800) 777-2665.

Richard Kreider, Ph.D. from Baylor University says, "The book is fascinating, a classic example of how misinformation stemming from various special interest groups and broadcast by the media can cause a political and legal firestorm regarding a supplement."

The American Association for Health Freedom says, "The book is a disturbing look at the political and financial agendas, media hype, and ulterior motives surrounding the wrongly accused supplement industry. A sound and thorough argument."

The book investigates every avenue from behind-the-scenes deals between lawmakers and pharmaceutical companies, to using the media's ability to misinform the people. It explains how front PR firms are used, including the blatant dismissal of legitimate research supporting supplements safety. The book's discoveries and explanations of the scenarios are not simply about epehdra, but rather exposes the entire supplement industry, the legislation that governs it, and how lobbyists, special interests, the drug companies, and media are all working together to hide the truth about nutritional information from the public. I highly recommend this book. It goes into great detail and validates everything I've been saying in my book and in my newsletters.

Special Note : Most people thing Ehedra is illegal- and you wont find it in your health food store any moe BUT I still see it all the time at gas stations - truckers still use it a lot.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Cardio and Endurance : JM running Method Part 3

The Jack Savage Files : The SAVAGE Natural Running Method Part 3- Savage Blog is up!
Yvette's Blog is up! Contact Info!!

Special Note:

Be sure to SAVE this series for your records. It will no doubt become a course in and of itself one day - or at least a Special Report. Due to time constraints we will NOT be able to send bask issues of the Savage Files. If you missed an issue we will post back issues up on the SAVAGE BLOG for a limited time!

The Savage Files JungleMan running Part 3

HERE we go Pards!!

The nuts and bolts of the Jungleman Running method :

-wear racing flats/moccasins/sandles or go barefoot. By doing this you will find that your body will naturally WANT to follow this method!!

-start with very short distances, build the distances SLOWLY over time. Don't think about speed at first, just technique and distance.

-run 3-4 times per week till your body masters this method. If you run conventional, that is all most people can ever run without getting seriously injured. Once you master the Jungleman method you will be able to run every day if you want without fear of injury.

EVEN BETTER - as long as you don't push yourself too hard you will even BUILD you body-making it more injury resistant!

-lean over from the ankles as you run. Gravity will asist your forward progress making your running far easier. How far should you lean?? You will FEEL the lean, but someone watching you may not notice.

-do not bend at the waist-lean from the ankles keeping your back straight but relaxed. Your entire posture should be tall and straight while leaning forward on relaxed ankles.

-do not push you rear foot off the ground to propell you forward. Do to your forward lean it will naturally want to move forward to keep you from falling. LIFT the rear foot-relax the leg -then the leg fall UNDER or slightly behind your body - NOT in front.

-keep your arms relaxed and use them for balance as needed

-relax your ankles

-keep your legs and hips relaxed. Use as little muscular power and energy as possible. Let your body lean and your legs moving forward with little effort glide you forward.

-Basicaally what you are looking at is your body moves forward due to GRAVITY and your legs are just "carriers" while the rest of you relaxes and is just along for the ride.

-To move faster LEAN forward more. The more the lean the faster you will go.

-foot strike : this is just forward of your heel-to the rear of the ball of your foot- rolling gently off your toes. No heel striking! you will be gently gliding -or flying- forward.

-feet: toes should be pointed forward- inthe direction of travel.

That's enough to get you started ole pard!

To master this method start off with VERY short runs ( perhaps 100 yards or less) and GRADUALLY increase the distance over time.

For more information on natural running methods go to :

Pose Running : Developed by an Eastern Block Sports Scientists based upon research into ancient Greek running methods as well as those of highly effective running styles of Kenyan runners.

Chi Running : Developed by an ultra marathin runner with a Tai Chi twist!

Build SUPER Stamiina and Fitness the JUNGLEMAN Way! Lose Fat! Get in SUPER shape and condition!!


I now have an operational Blog!!

With this I can post UNEDITED fitness and self defense posts VERY easily!

My webmaster is setting up another Blog - the plan being to experiment with several to determine which will work better.

On the Savage Blog you will find:

- archived newsletters ; it is too time consuming to send out missed or accidentally deleted ones - so look to the Blog for these!

- material not in my e mailed newsletter : a lot of thoughts that go thru my head will be posted on the SAVAGE BLOG- no need to tidy them up for the newsletter or a course/special report

-power blogging : my e mail box, mail box, bookmarks etc are always CRAMMED FULL of valuable fitness/self defense info that would be too time consuming to send out via e mail- see for yourself where many of my great ideas sprout from!

-in the Savage Files newsletter i attempt to give you the VERY BEST fitness/self defense info- but there is a VAST AMOUNT of info that doesn't quite make it- read it for yourself and watch as your life changes for the better!!

-you can easily e mail my Blog to a friend who needs this life changing info!

-doing your own newsletter: feel free to "swipe" anything from my blog to use in a newsletter of your own- just have a link back to the blog is all I ask in return

Don't wait another minute! Go to the Savage Blog NOW!!

Click here for Jack Savage's Fitness and Self Defense Blog:

Your Friend and instructor,

Jack Savage


From Yvette :

I have just set up a little Blog of my own :)

It will also deal with Fitness and Self Defense- as well as some more naughtty subjects ( note- YES I've got spell check! Daaaaa! You have to misspell certain words to make it thru the SPAM filters! Daaaa X 2)

You can only get to my Blog by being over 18 and e mailing me directly :

L8ers Peeps!!


Coming in 06 from


- Hunza Miracle Bread Formula

Lose weight effortlessly and be far healthier to boot!

MISSION COMPLETE!! This was sent out to all Savage Files people on 2-7-6!!

With a 30 year history of success, the SAVAGE formula dares to IMPROVE it!

The problem with the other formulas floating around is that they have contaminated the methods used by the ledgenary Hunza ( a mountain warior race reputed to be have longest life expectancy AND healtiest life on the planet! ) formulas with "modern improvements".

These "modern improvements" just weaken the formula! It still woks to a degree, but just not as well.

After extensive research into all that has ever been written on this tribe; JACK SAVAGE will bring to the SAVAGE FILES faithful the most true to the original Hunza Miracle Bread formula possible in the modern word!

This is going to blow you away!

MISSION COMPLETE!! This was sent out to all Savage Files people on 2-7-6!!

Savage ARMS OF STEEL program

Build the most massive and powerful arms imaginable training less than 5 min two times per week!!

This will be available FREE to Savage Files subscribers but will cost " mucho bucks " to everyone else!

This may be our first "electronic book" .

Miracle Fat Loss Formulas

Special herbals, teas, and other tried and true methods to safely flush fat from your body!

These are FAR better and FAR cheaper than the highly touted "fat loss formulas" advertised in the "bodybuilding rags".

PLUS Much, much more!!

You DON'T want to miss 06 for the revolutionary fitness and self defense info coming your way FREE to all Savage Files subscribers!

Important Contact Info:


From Yvette: My new AOL screen name is YvetteSavage96. Please feel free to fire me an IM whenever you see me online. Depending on how busy I am and how time permits we can talk about anything fitness, self defense related, or anything else your little heart desires!

For e mail it is still best to use

I also have some pics available if you would like an idea of what the person you are communicating with looks like ( no not THOSE kinda of pics pervert! -at least not until you can convince me you are over 18 ;) - lol! )

In order to get the Quickest response to your questions please use the
following e mail addy's:

Orders- Use . I check this almost daily , anything
related is answered ; anything that should go to the fitness or self
defense e
mail addys is forwarded.

Fitness Questions : Use SavageFit@ goes directly to Jack.

Self Defense Questions: Use - goes directly to

DON'T USE : This is just to send the newsletter out
for unsubscribe requests. Everything else is either ignored or deleted
usually. Hopefully soon our webmaster will design a better way to do
this and this e
mail addy will poof entirely.

To contact me ( Yvette-in case you forgot already :) ) : ( special note : I'm NOT related in any way
shape or
form to Jack Savage, the e mail addy designed to connect with the
company )

IMs : YvetteSavage96 is my AOL screen name if you want to fire me an IM.
understand tho- IMs will be answered as I have spare moments so please
be patient.


Forgotten methods of the greatest master of Super Strength development secrets revealed!!

SUPER isometrics for a SUPER body!!

History's most lethal and most EFECTIVE self defense system!!

Your body is its own gym!! Build a body for the ages!

Build SUPER Stamiina and fitness the JUNGLEMAN Way!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Fitness- for Survival in Emergency Situations

What kind of condition does one need to be in for
survival- in case an emergency happens and you need to save yourself and loved ones???

I've been working on a Savage Finess Challenge based areound that very concept- with rewards for thaose that meet it.

Earl Leiderman-fitness pioneer and friend to Charles Atlas offers this idea:

'Every man should be able to save his own
life. He should be able to swim far enough,
run fast and long enough to save his life in
case of emergency and necessity.'

Be able to swim at least half a mile or more;

Be able to run at top speed two hundred yards or more;

Be able to jump over obstacles higher than your waist;

Be in condition to pull your body upward by the
strength of your arms, until your chin touches your hands,
at least 15 to 20 times;

Be able to dip between parallel bars or between
two chairs at least 25 times or more.

'If a man can accomplish these things,' Liederman said,
'he need have no fear concerning the safety of his life should
he be forced into an emergency from which he alone may
be able to save himself.'

As you can see- true fitness survival is build aroung the idea of FUNCIONL strength and endurance- NOT a 'bodybuilder" type look!

In Strength,

Jack Savage

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Fun NATURAL running Method Part 2

The Jack Savage Files : The SAVAGE Natural Running Method Part 2- Savage Blog is up!
Yvette's Blog is up! Contact Info!!

Special Note:

Be sure to SAVE this series for your records. It will no doubt become a course in and of itself one day - or at least a Special Report. Due to time constraints we will NOT be able to send bask issues of the Savage Files. If you missed an issue we will post back issues up on the SAVAGE BLOG for a limited time!

The Jack Savage Files JungleMan Running Method Part 2

Hi Pard!

What is the commonly taught method of running based upon?

Muscle strength.

What is commonly taught is a technique where standing straight up the rear leg pushes off the ground thus propelling you forward. It is also taught to remain relatively stiff- kinda like a robot. As your legs move the rear leg comes forward of the body, then as that leg moves to the rear it pushes off the ground thus propelling you forward.

The foot lands on the heel and rolls towards the toe.

Running times and distances are improved thru constant working on strength training ( usually weights).

It does't take a genius to figure out that this is a very inefficient and ineffective way to train and preform the activity.

Now obviously I'm not against muscle strength and conditioning BUT I am even MORE for what ever works best!!


Thats my moto!!

Another problem with this ineffective running style is that it is extremly injury producing. Stats say that 2 out of 3 runners will be injured to the point that they cannot run during the course of the year.

HECKFIRE!! You won't see injury stats like that for anything else this side of rodeo bull riding and full contact mixed martial arts competition!!

I'm at a loss as to what to call this style of running - idiot running? civilized running? dumazz running?

Perhaps since it is so widely practiced ( most likely due to western footware -which causes "stupid feet " ) I guess I can just call it "conventional running" .

I've discovered a FAR BETTER WAY!!

Or re-discovered perhaps : the same way that ancient warriors used as they ran day in and day out into their 60s and beyond- WITHOUT injuries.

It goes by several different names- but I like to call it the JungleMan Running Method. Or perhaps the "Natural Running Method" .

Whhatever you wanna call it, with this method you will:

- run faster, but use less energy

-fun farther, but be less tired

-your chances of injury will be DRAMATIALLY reduced!! Most likely eliminated altogether.

-if you run carrying objects or with a back pack you will find it far less fatiqueing- you may forget you are carrying extra weight!!

-you will find Jungle Man running FUN!! Most people hate running, even those that do it on a regular basis ( because they think they need to ) - THIS method is different. This method jives with the way humans were DESIGNED to run!

Next time I will cover the basic technique of JungleMan running as well as additional resources for further study.


You will NOT be wearing conventional running shoes- they will just get in the way and hamper your progress.

Get one or more of the following:

-racing flats : these are running shoes with a flat bottom. The nextbest thing to running barefoot.

-sandles : make sure they have a rear piece to secure your ankle. You want TRUE sandles NOT flip flops!

-moccasins: just a little leather to protect your tender feet from the hard, hard ground. In time your feet will toughen up and you will notice new muscles all over your feet. That is the way a fully developed foot is supposed to look with proper exercise!!

Or if you are really hardcore you can just go barefoot- but start on a grassy surface. In time any surface will be no challenge to you.

In Strength and Fitness,

Jack Savage

Build SUPER Stamiina and Fitness the JUNGLEMAN Way! Lose Fat! Get in SUPER shape and condition!!


I now have an operational Blog!!

With this I can post UNEDITED fitness and self defense posts VERY easily!

My webmaster is setting up another Blog - the plan being to experiment with several to determine which will work better.

On the Savage Blog you will find:

- archived newsletters ; it is too time consuming to send out missed or accidentally deleted ones - so look to the Blog for these!

- material not in my e mailed newsletter : a lot of thoughts that go thru my head will be posted on the SAVAGE BLOG- no need to tidy them up for the newsletter or a course/special report

-power blogging : my e mail box, mail box, bookmarks etc are always CRAMMED FULL of valuable fitness/self defense info that would be too time consuming to send out via e mail- see for yourself where many of my great ideas sprout from!

-in the Savage Files newsletter i attempt to give you the VERY BEST fitness/self defense info- but there is a VAST AMOUNT of info that doesn't quite make it- read it for yourself and watch as your life changes for the better!!

-you can easily e mail my Blog to a friend who needs this life changing info!

-doing your own newsletter: feel free to "swipe" anything from my blog to use in a newsletter of your own- just have a link back to the blog is all I ask in return

Don't wait another minute! Go to the Savage Blog NOW!!

Click here for Jack Savage's Fitness and Self Defense Blog:

Your Friend and instructor,

Jack Savage


From Yvette :

I have just set up a little Blog of my own :)

It will also deal with Fitness and Self Defense- as well as some more naughtty subjects ( note- YES I've got spell check! Daaaaa! You have to misspell certain words to make it thru the SPAM filters! Daaaa X 2)

You can only get to my Blog by being over 18 and e mailing me directly :

L8ers Peeps!!


Coming in 06 from


- Hunza Miracle Bread Formula

Lose weight effortlessly and be far healthier to boot!

MISSION COMPLETE!! This was sent out to all Savage Files people on 2-7-6!!

With a 30 year history of success, the SAVAGE formula dares to IMPROVE it!

The problem with the other formulas floating around is that they have contaminated the methods used by the ledgenary Hunza ( a mountain warior race reputed to be have longest life expectancy AND healtiest life on the planet! ) formulas with "modern improvements".

These "modern improvements" just weaken the formula! It still woks to a degree, but just not as well.

After extensive research into all that has ever been written on this tribe; JACK SAVAGE will bring to the SAVAGE FILES faithful the most true to the original Hunza Miracle Bread formula possible in the modern word!

This is going to blow you away!

MISSION COMPLETE!! This was sent out to all Savage Files people on 2-7-6!!

Savage ARMS OF STEEL program

Build the most massive and powerful arms imaginable training less than 5 min two times per week!!

This will be available FREE to Savage Files subscribers but will cost " mucho bucks " to everyone else!

This may be our first "electronic book" .

Miracle Fat Loss Formulas

Special herbals, teas, and other tried and true methods to safely flush fat from your body!

These are FAR better and FAR cheaper than the highly touted "fat loss formulas" advertised in the "bodybuilding rags".

PLUS Much, much more!!

You DON'T want to miss 06 for the revolutionary fitness and self defense info coming your way FREE to all Savage Files subscribers!

Important Contact Info:


From Yvette: My new AOL screen name is YvetteSavage96. Please feel free to fire me an IM whenever you see me online. Depending on how busy I am and how time permits we can talk about anything fitness, self defense related, or anything else your little heart desires!

For e mail it is still best to use

I also have some pics available if you would like an idea of what the person you are communicating with looks like ( no not THOSE kinda of pics pervert! -at least not until you can convince me you are over 18 ;) - lol! )

In order to get the Quickest response to your questions please use the
following e mail addy's:

Orders- Use . I check this almost daily , anything
related is answered ; anything that should go to the fitness or self
defense e
mail addys is forwarded.

Fitness Questions : Use SavageFit@ goes directly to Jack.

Self Defense Questions: Use - goes directly to

DON'T USE : This is just to send the newsletter out
for unsubscribe requests. Everything else is either ignored or deleted
usually. Hopefully soon our webmaster will design a better way to do
this and this e
mail addy will poof entirely.

To contact me ( Yvette-in case you forgot already :) ) : ( special note : I'm NOT related in any way
shape or
form to Jack Savage, the e mail addy designed to connect with the
company )

IMs : YvetteSavage96 is my AOL screen name if you want to fire me an IM.
understand tho- IMs will be answered as I have spare moments so please
be patient.


Forgotten methods of the greatest master of Super Strength development secrets revealed!!

SUPER isometrics for a SUPER body!!

History's most lethal and most EFECTIVE self defense system!!

Your body is its own gym!! Build a body for the ages!

Build SUPER Stamiina and fitness the JUNGLEMAN Way!

To Unsubscribe: Press "Reply" then type "unsubscribe" then press "send" .

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Natural "Jungleman" running method makes running FUN!!

The Jack Savage Files : The bitter TRUTH about running!! Savage Blog is up!
Yvette's Blog is up! Contact Info!!

The Jungle Man Running Technique

Hi Pard!

From the Savage Fitness Research Initiative:

My latest research reveals the TRUTH about Running :

After extensive research - both with clients and using myself as an experimental subject I have determined the following to be true:

-IF DONE CORRECTLY you will NOT get injured with NATURAL running methods

-IF DONE CORRECTLY running appears to actually heal injuries. Only possible with NATURAL running methods.

-IF DONE CORRECTLY you will gain endurance benefits that will most likely exceed anything else you will do.

-IF DONE CORRECTLY running will have a overall strengthening and building effect on the entire body. In other words : you will be able to do more push ups, pull ups, etc etc.

-IF DONE CORRECTLY you will find this to be one of the most enjoyable fitness activities you can engage in.

-If DONE CORRECTLY running will be looked forward to and not dreaded.

-Natural Running Methods are FUN!!

This info probably flies in the face of what you have experienced with running as it is practiced by the masses here in the west:

-running seems to cause a great deal of injuries, even with expensive shoes and equipment

-running seems to burn muscle mass and make you weaker on key body weight exercises ( push ups, pull ups etc )

-running is a dreaded form of exercise to be avoided at all costs

-running is BORING to the max! Akin to watching the grass grow!

-running just plain out SUXKSS!!!

My experiments have proven the NATURAL running methods ( which you will be learning via the Savage Files ) are a fantastic addition to your overall fitness strategy- the methods commonly taught are better left alone and will most likely cause a premature end to your physical fitness endeavors.

Read on and marvel!!

Savage Files:

Know any runners?

Or are you an avid runner yourself?

If so you know the following to be true:

- you need at least 2 pair of high dollar running shoes that you rotate out. Depending on how many miles you do a week you can expect to go thru 6 (or more!) pair per year at a cost of $600 to $1000 PER YEAR!

If they were to smarten up and adopt the Jungle Man running technique that cost drops to ZERO per year!

Or VERY close to that-unless they wanna run barefoot!! Believe it or not that is an option! Read on and marvel!

Yes - ole Jack Savage is about to save anyone who will listen $1000 per year!

-Injuries happen. Even wiith the best of shoes and the best of technique ( or for what passes for good technique in our culture ) you will absolutely get injured running.
You WILL have to make multiple visits to a foot/ankle specialist AND a knee surgeion. There is no way around it, it will happen.

Do you know that :

---Roman Soldiers were required to run 2 miles per day EVERY day and a long 5 mile run once per week AND a long forced march of 10-20 miles once every few weeks? Often this was done in full armour??

And they did this into their 50s!!

AND they didn't have foot/ankle/knee surgions and specialits handy to boot!!

What kind of super hi-tech shoes did they wear???


Did they use the same running and walking techniques taught today??


If they did they'd never have been able to field an army! OR they would have limped meekly into battle-rather than march boldly!

---Spartan Warriors were even MORE physically active than the Romans AND were expected to be front line battle ready even longer- into their 60s!!!

What did they wear?

Once again- Sandles!!

--Zulu Warriors

Even Sandles were considered whimpy to these guys. The would run like deer into battle- BAREFOOT!!

---Native Americans

These splendid physical specimens were known for their running ability.

An Apace warrior was hand clocked at running a sub 4 min mile in the 1800s - when the world record was closer to 5 min!

Did these running machines wear expensive running shoes?

Nope- Moccasins were commonly worn.

AND they used the natural running technique that I call Jungleman Running.

---Kenyan Runners

You've seen them in the Olympics and other races doing the barefoot thing.

Check out their running technique- note that it is far different than those wearing the hi-tech shoes.

I remember as a young boy growing up in Alabama; once school let out for the summer no shoes were worn ( except to church and formals ) till next school year.

Me and my buds walked and ran everywhere. NO foot/ankle/knee problems. As a matter of fact, I doubt to this day if any of us have these problems- most likely due to the superior conditioning we received due to the culture of our youth.

Well ole pard, I hope I wetted your appitite for more info on this natural running method- so don't miss the continuation in a week or two!!!

In Fitness,

Jack Savage

Build SUPER Stamiina and Fitness the JUNGLEMAN Way! Lose Fat! Get in SUPER shape and condition!!


I now have an operational Blog!!

With this I can post UNEDITED fitness and self defense posts VERY easily!

My webmaster is setting up another Blog - the plan being to experiment with several to determine which will work better.

On the Savage Blog you will find:

- archived newsletters ; it is too time consuming to send out missed or accidentally deleted ones - so look to the Blog for these!

- material not in my e mailed newsletter : a lot of thoughts that go thru my head will be posted on the SAVAGE BLOG- no need to tidy them up for the newsletter or a course/special report

-power blogging : my e mail box, mail box, bookmarks etc are always CRAMMED FULL of valuable fitness/self defense info that would be too time consuming to send out via e mail- see for yourself where many of my great ideas sprout from!

-in the Savage Files newsletter i attempt to give you the VERY BEST fitness/self defense info- but there is a VAST AMOUNT of info that doesn't quite make it- read it for yourself and watch as your life changes for the better!!

-you can easily e mail my Blog to a friend who needs this life changing info!

-doing your own newsletter: feel free to "swipe" anything from my blog to use in a newsletter of your own- just have a link back to the blog is all I ask in return

Don't wait another minute! Go to the Savage Blog NOW!!

Click here for Jack Savage's Fitness and Self Defense Blog:

Your Friend and instructor,

Jack Savage


From Yvette :

I have just set up a little Blog of my own :)

It will also deal with Fitness and Self Defense- as well as some more naughtty subjects ( note- YES I've got spell check! Daaaaa! You have to misspell certain words to make it thru the SPAM filters! Daaaa X 2)

You can only get to my Blog by being over 18 and e mailing me directly :

L8ers Peeps!!


Coming in 06 from


- Hunza Miracle Bread Formula

Lose weight effortlessly and be far healthier to boot!

MISSION COMPLETE!! This was sent out to all Savage Files people on 2-7-6!!

With a 30 year history of success, the SAVAGE formula dares to IMPROVE it!

The problem with the other formulas floating around is that they have contaminated the methods used by the ledgenary Hunza ( a mountain warior race reputed to be have longest life expectancy AND healtiest life on the planet! ) formulas with "modern improvements".

These "modern improvements" just weaken the formula! It still woks to a degree, but just not as well.

After extensive research into all that has ever been written on this tribe; JACK SAVAGE will bring to the SAVAGE FILES faithful the most true to the original Hunza Miracle Bread formula possible in the modern word!

This is going to blow you away!

MISSION COMPLETE!! This was sent out to all Savage Files people on 2-7-6!!

Savage ARMS OF STEEL program

Build the most massive and powerful arms imaginable training less than 5 min two times per week!!

This will be available FREE to Savage Files subscribers but will cost " mucho bucks " to everyone else!

This may be our first "electronic book" .

Miracle Fat Loss Formulas

Special herbals, teas, and other tried and true methods to safely flush fat from your body!

These are FAR better and FAR cheaper than the highly touted "fat loss formulas" advertised in the "bodybuilding rags".

PLUS Much, much more!!

You DON'T want to miss 06 for the revolutionary fitness and self defense info coming your way FREE to all Savage Files subscribers!

Important Contact Info:


From Yvette: My new AOL screen name is YvetteSavage96. Please feel free to fire me an IM whenever you see me online. Depending on how busy I am and how time permits we can talk about anything fitness, self defense related, or anything else your little heart desires!

For e mail it is still best to use

I also have some pics available if you would like an idea of what the person you are communicating with looks like ( no not THOSE kinda of pics pervert! -at least not until you can convince me you are over 18 ;) - lol! )

In order to get the Quickest response to your questions please use the
following e mail addy's:

Orders- Use . I check this almost daily , anything
related is answered ; anything that should go to the fitness or self
defense e
mail addys is forwarded.

Fitness Questions : Use SavageFit@ goes directly to Jack.

Self Defense Questions: Use - goes directly to

DON'T USE : This is just to send the newsletter out
for unsubscribe requests. Everything else is either ignored or deleted
usually. Hopefully soon our webmaster will design a better way to do
this and this e
mail addy will poof entirely.

To contact me ( Yvette-in case you forgot already :) ) : ( special note : I'm NOT related in any way
shape or
form to Jack Savage, the e mail addy designed to connect with the
company )

IMs : YvetteSavage96 is my AOL screen name if you want to fire me an IM.
understand tho- IMs will be answered as I have spare moments so please
be patient.


Forgotten methods of the greatest master of Super Strength development secrets revealed!!

SUPER isometrics for a SUPER body!!

History's most lethal and most EFECTIVE self defense system!!

Your body is its own gym!! Build a body for the ages!

Build SUPER Stamiina and fitness the JUNGLEMAN Way!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Strength Training : Essential for Adults!!

Strength training for Average Adults

Components of Musculoskeletal Development, Reasons to Strength Training
Research during the last several years has clearly demonstrated that regular physical exercise of sufficient intensity and duration can produce remarkable adaptations in the musculoskeletal system. Beneficial physiological changes take place in the muscles, tendons, bones, and even the heart. There appears to be an all-or-none law that triggers these physiological developments.
The components necessary for musculoskeletal development are:

1. An exercise intensity to produce approximately 70-80 percent of maximum muscle effort.
2. An exercise duration of about 50-70 seconds per muscle group. OR an isomeric profram such as DynaFlex- which cuts this doen to 6-10 seconds per exercise! See:
3. An exercise frequency of two to three nonconsecutive days per week.

Although any physical activity that meets these criteria is acceptable, those that isolate individual muscle groups and permit slow, full-range movements, such as Nautilus machines, seem most useful for promoting musculoskeletal fitness.
Sensible strength training for all the major muscle groups results in better body composition, enhanced personal appearance, and the ability to perform essentially all physical activities more easily.

Reasons to Strength Training:

1. Avoid muscle loss PLUS increase muscle size-if done properly.
2. Avoid metabolic rate reduction.
3. Increase muscle mass.
4. Increase metabolic rate.
5. Reduce body fat.
6. Increase bone mineral density.
7. Improve glucose metabolism.
8. Increase gastrointestinal transit speed.
9. Reduce resting blood pressure.
10. Improve blood lipid levels.
11. Reduce low back pain.
12. Reduce arthritic pain.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Stem Cell Research Breakthru ????

My personal opionion of the "ethical question " concerning stem cell research ( as well as the other "break through" technologies ) is that it is NOT primarily about the ethics- it's about the money.

Finding instant cures to devastating diseases -tho it would save countless lives- would send a LOT of rich people straight to the poor house.

I predict "ethical questions " and other delays to abound until it is figured out how to make a lot of money from these break through technologies.

From a health/fitness ezine:

Real Progress in Use of Stem Cells

While the politics and ethics of embryonic stem cell research is debated, there is a potential alternate source that may be nearly as promising but far less controversial -- stem cells derived from the umbilical cord blood of newborns. Research on it is actively taking place, but it's hardly as simple as "oh, let's do that instead." Any kind of stem cell research is extremely complex, including cord blood stem cell research.

A highly simplified walk through stem cell research...

Embryonic stem cells are valued because they are unspecialized. In other words, their use is not yet determined (they are pluripotent) and they could develop (differentiate) into a cell for one of 130 different tissues in the body.

The idea behind regenerative and reparative medicine is for science to allow stem cells to develop into specific types that can be used for specific treatments -- for example, insulin cells for treating diabetes, brain (neuron) cells for treating Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, and the like -- and then transplant them into humans. Furthermore, embryonic stem cells also have the ability to self-regenerate or make many identical copies of themselves for a period of time. Scientists already are using the cells' self-regeneration to create what are called stem cell lines, large single-source reservoirs of the cells. However, much more research remains to answer challenges of how to keep embryonic stem cells in their unspecialized state for long periods... how to identify and replicate the signals that will cause them to differentiate into the specialized cell type desired... and how to avoid potential cell transplant rejection once transplanted into a human body.


David McKenna, MD, is assistant professor of laboratory medicine at the University of Minnesota Medical School and the assistant medical director of the American Red Cross Cord Blood Program. I called him to find out more about stem cells derived from cord blood and if it appears that these cells will deliver at the hoped-for level. He tells me that cord blood stem cells have been used medically for more than a decade, but for one purpose only -- transplantation into bone marrow of patients with blood cancers (leukemia and lymphoma) as well as rare blood disorders. Indeed, the first cord blood stem cell transplantation took place in the late 1980s, on a young boy in France being treated for a rare blood disorder. (He survived and is still alive.) It didn't take long for cord blood stem cells to become more popular than traditional bone marrow for transplantation, and in the early 1990s, cord blood banks began, the private ones appealing to parents to "bank" their newborn's blood in case of a future dread illness. (Dr. McKenna suggests all women who deliver in hospitals and are capable of collecting cord blood consider donating it to public banks if they are not interested in paying for years of storage in a private bank).


Although promising, two questions continued to exist about cord cells' broadscale usefulness...

Are cord blood stem cells immature such that they are capable of eventually differentiating into a wide variety of tissues?
Do cord blood stem cells have the ability to turn into cells or tissue representative of all three layers of the blastocyst? Only cells that have this ability can differentiate into the complete range of cells, including fat cells, bone cells, muscle, neural stem cells, liver and pancreas precursor cells.
The answer came recently when a Minnesota biomedical research firm called BioE isolated a type of cell in the cord blood called a multi-lineage progenitor cell (MLPC). MLPCs are immature enough to be used for differentiation and -- another bonus -- they have the ability to differentiate into cells/tissue representing all three layers. This finding gives cord blood stem cell research an important boost, says Dr. McKenna.

While embryonic stem cells continue to be the gold standard, there is now reason to think that cord stem cells might have some additional advantages over embryonic cells in addition to resolving ethical issues. Within cord stem cells there are some that have just begun the process of differentiating. Differentiated cells were long thought to be a serious hindrance to cell therapy, but scientists are discovering that they might, in fact, be advantageous. Dr. McKenna says that if more mature cells exist in the mix -- they are already starting to differentiate into the desired cell line, such as cardiac, pancreatic islet or many others -- this may work in the patient's favor. However, it remains to be determined in further preclinical studies.

In the meantime, the potential use of cord stem cells grows. At the University of South Florida, researchers administered human cord blood cells to rats two days after they had a stroke. This greatly curbed inflammatory response in the brain, reduced size of the stroke, and improved recovery -- the rats began to function normally again despite the damage their brains had incurred. Dr. McKenna notes that stroke and other neurodegenerative problems are areas that are ripe with possibility for cord blood therapy and adds that other centers around the country are actively researching cord blood stem cell use for other physiological problems and pharmaceutical drug testing purposes as well. He anticipates that we may well see a wider application of these cells' use in humans in a few years' time.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Tale of yet ANOTHER miraculous conversion from Martial Arts to Hikuta

Fists of Jack Savage

Tale of yet ANOTHER miraculous conversion to the Hikuta Combat System!

This is happening SO REGULARLY -and predictably- that I should have my
master to a special section on my web site, perhaps titled "Rogues
gallery of
scoffers that have seen the light of Hikuta"

What happened THIS time:

A notable figure on several Internet discussion boards known as "Te"
spent much of his time the last few years hanging out on discussion
boards whos
main purpose of existence seems to be to scoff and mock at history's
fighting system.

These mocking boards are heavily controlled by traditional martial
(both instructors and students) who seem to have a pathological fear
that the
truth of Hikuta will get out to the public- thus cutting off their
gravy train
of innocent students who actually trust them to give life saving

Often these mocking boards will give highly tainted "reviews" of Hikuta
materials with such important criticisms such as the wall paper in DOK
bathroom or the fact that I appear to be a balding middle aged man (
I'm 45- so
keeping my hair this long is pretty good considering my genetics, can't
do much
about my age tho! Logically, how could I possibly spend 30 plus years
in REAL combat systems and NOT be at least my age!).

They love to give half hearted attempts at doing Hikuta techniques (
bear little resemblance to actual Hikuta, but are in fact fanciful
techniques of
their own devising) to PROVE Hikuta doesn't work.

About a week ago Te posted his review of Al Abidin's (
series and the mocking boards have been absolutely slack jawed silent
on all
things Hikuta!! One of their own has turned on them-AGAIN!

This shocks and amazes them, but doesn't do anything but get a snicker
those of us with the smarts to do some Hikuta. Hikuta is for real and
give anyone (especially martial artists who commonly practice
principles which
put the breaks on their power and speed potential ) a huge boost in
power, and self defense effectiveness.

What Te has done thus far is follow a predictable pattern in his Hikuta


1. Total disbelief that Hikuta is for real. Surely the powers that be
in the
martial arts sub culture cannot be wrong! Hikuta cannot possibly
one into a nearly unstoppable force of nature durn near instantly!!

2. Rhetorical -often hostile-questioning and ridicule. Often "packing
with other mockers in such places as Internet discussion groups (
boards ).

3. Despite all his negativity ( often public ) towards Hikuta, there
nagging voice inside his head telling them Hikuta might be for real.

4. Taking a leap of faith- securing some Hikuta training material and
the unique training methods an honest try. These training methods often
in the face of what so called "experts" in the martial arts and self
world call the "correct" way to do things. The fact is that the reason
Hikuta w
orks so much better than recreational martial arts systems is because
we DON'T
do things the way they do!

5. Experiencing SHOCK and dismay! Becoming overjoyed at the
increase in speed, power, and self defense effectiveness that Hikuta
empowers its
practitioners with!

6. Becoming a Hikuta enthusiast and telling the world of the positive
results of Hikuta.

7. Become ignored and ridiculed by "friends" ( often regulars on
mocking boards ).

8. Crunch time! Will the "convert" cave in to the pressure of
"friends" and
recant or become silent on Hikuta? Or stick to his guns telling the
world of
the many benefits of Hikuta? This is where ones true character shines

9. Watch as the stages repeats itself over and over in others lives.

What Te posted:

Hikuta Review
I recently purchased the Hikuta Extreme Combat and Hikuta: Quick and
Self-Defense tapes from Al Abidin. Al Abidin is the leading instructor
around for
the art of Hikuta. He received his training directly from D.O.K. Lee
and is
the only authority on Hikuta I really trust.

Hikuta Extreme Combat is a nearly 30 minute long DVD. The quality and
production value are extremely good. This is about as professional
looking as you are
going to get for the martial arts instructional genre. Mr. Abidin
clearly and slowly. He is easy to follow and understand as he explains
all of the

The techniques on this DVD are very easy to learn and seem to be quite
effective. I've been doing martial arts for over 16 years so I can tell
just by
looking what will work and what wont. This DVD presents techniques in
categories. There is striking, kicking and improvised weapons.

The striking segment explains two things, how to strike extremely fast
how to form the Hikuta Hand. The methods for generating speed were a
unorthodox to me at first. It is very different than other methods I
have used for
generating speed and power. Everything comes from the startle reflex,
explains Mr. Abidin. Hikuta uses the body's natural tendency to raise
the hands when
suprised to generated speed and power in a strike. The strike is
executed in a
whipping motion and returns back to your body immediately after impact.
economy of motion for this strike can be used for any strike and not
just the
Hikuta Hand. The Hikuta hand itself is controversial to say the least.
I have
to say I was very skeptical and it contradicts everything I've been
taught. But
I actually like it. It's not a loose fist as some explain. It's an easy
technique but hard to explain in writing. I actually like the feel of
the technique
at impact and don't feel it really risks my fingers or thumb. I know
I'm in
the minority here about that, but it seems to work for me. The major
thing I
like is that when you are not forming a fist, even at impact, your
speed does
increase. The only problem with it is that it is theoretical. I have
seen people
knocked out with boxing/karate style punches. I have never seen anyone
anyone out with the Hikuta Hand. This being said, I've never seen
knocked out with a knifehand, palmstrike or tiger fist either.

The kicking is all targeted to the lower body. The extreme lower body
such as
the shins. It comes off of a skipping motion and once again uses the
reflex to generate speed.

The section on improvised weapons is good and gives you some ideas on
how to
not feel totally helpless when unarmed. It gives you the mindset to
look for
non-weapon weapons in a crisis and I think this is a good thing.

I would feel extremely comfortable having a loved one learn
self-defense off
of this DVD. It's important to remember that this DVD and even Hikuta
isn't really the same thing as any other martial art. There aren't
advanced techniques that build off of a grasp of the basics. There
isn't a lot to
learn. It's simple and basic. Some martial artists would even say too
But this DVD is targeted to the non-martial artist. I think it does the
well. I learned some new things and I think that anyone who sincerely
wants to
learn self-defense but doesn't want to permanently enroll in a martial
arts class
can benefit from this DVD.

The other tape I received was Hikuta: Quick and Easy Self-Defense. This
contains street scenarios with striking and grappling solutions. I
found the
material to be solid and basic. There is a lot of finger manipulation
and basic
escapes. Suprisingly, there is almost no Hikuta Hand in this tape. 99%
of the
strikes are done with the palm heel. This tape is professionally
produced and
I think competes with any other practical self-defense instructional
there. It is only 17 minutes long but contains a lot of techniques that
demonstrated in a rapid fire sort of way. If you do not want to study
for the long term or you have no interest except to learn a few moves
might save your life, then this is an excellent tape for you.

Overall Hikuta was a lot more solid than I expected. The tapes were
quality. The material was pretty much time tested with a few suspect
These deviations were interesting though, and they grew on me. I
honestly feel
confident recommending these tapes. This seems perhaps one of the
fastest ways
out there to prepare yourself for assault.

Edited by: te at: 8/18/04 10:48 am

In a subsequent posting Te seemed upset that I did not welcome him with
arms for doing what any honest intelligent man should have done years
give Hikuta a good ole college try! The fact is Te will have to do a
lot more
than what he has done thus far to climb out of the category of
"Internet flake"
in my mind.

I long ago removed him from receiving my newsletters-he simply was not

Has the character Te morphed into a new creature? Is he worthy? Only
will tell!

Until next time,


Jack Savage

Operator DeeDee

I thought my newsletter subscribers ( soon to be inner circle members )
should get a look at some of the colorful characters which share my

Operator code named DeeDee is a competent sniper ( my back up, but he
at that designation, taking every opportunity to make me look bad in
hopes of
usurping my position ) as well as specialist in several other fields in
special ops ( in my mind all are second rate compared to that of
precision rifleman
) who has some rather unique views on such things as sex education for
children, the war in Iraq, and movies/entertainment.

Talking to DeeDee is like going back in time to when men were men- umm
maybe when men were BARBARIANS! He is often positively medieval in his

I may not agree with maybe 80% of what he says, but he keeps me
And, I have to admit there is some strange logic in his thinking.

DeeDee would say " I just say what everyone else knows deep down is the
but are too chickencrap to admit ".

I don't know about THAT, but be it as it may, prepare to be entertained


DeeDee's Standard s of Excellence: A good movie -in DeeDees mind = good
much action, with a side course of A LOT of female nudity and sex ( I
print what he actually said - something to the effect of " when there
is a lull
in the plot it should be filled with some quality horizontal aerobics
"). A
cross between a good porn (what ever that is ) and a classic flick like

As DeeDee says " A movie worth watching will have a lot of 'shooting'
off and a lot of 'explosive' action, in many different forms."


In movie houses NOW!

PLOT-Slow to start with, pretty good a 5 out of 10. Builds to a good

Basically a FBI profile who discovers that by concentrating he can
crimes beforehand.

Action: Not a lot, I don't even remember any. Action must have sucked.

Skin: A little, rape scene show some boobs. Boob rating =nice set but
to the violent nature of the setting the scene pretty much sucks.

Overall rating- 5 out of 10

DeeDee says: Don't agree with my review? Well, maybe you are just

KUTA BASICS- See What Hikuta is all about!

Dynaflex- Scientic Isometrics in 10 min per day OR LESS!
Delete Reply Forward Spam Move...

Super Forearm Building Exercise : the Newspaper Drill

The newpaper drill :

Take a sheet of any newspaper.

Grab a corner and hold it out in front of you with one

Now start rolling it into a ball using just the hand/
fingers of the hand you are holding it with. You can
put your other hand in your pocket if you like!

Try to compress the "ball" you are making as small as possible as you
roll it

You may not be able to roll it up all the way at
first- it is a challenging exercise.

You can cheat a little sometimes by using the other
hand to straighten out the paper or bringing the
paper to your thigh to get it straightened out where
you can roll it a little easier.

If you do this exercise even half way right even once you will be
of its benefits!

For more great exercises for powerful and dynamic wrist, grip, and forearms see my Freaky Forearms Course!

Jack Savage

Friday, April 07, 2006

Hikuta : Making "Martial Arts" Look Silly

Dear Warrior or Warrior to be,

Since 1993 (when Hikuta was first released to select members of the general public)- testimonials have flooded in! Proof positive of the almost unbelievable effectiveness of this truely unique system!

Also important to note: in the 5 years since I have been actively instructing in Hikuta, there has not been a single case of disatisfaction with anyone taking my Hikuta courses! A whopping %100 satisfaction rate! in all likihood the highest satisfaction rate in the entire self defense/ combatives industry! For over a decade now Hikuta has been offered to select members of the general public- with similar satisfaction rates! I doubt if any other system comes close!

From a hard core training group :

7. The quickest and most practical training I've seen for learning to strike is...Hikuta: ... deliver the goods in a way no other ... I've seen matches.

8. There are two problems in striking another person: 1) not striking them hard enough to be effective and 2) hurting your own hand. Hikuta overcomes both these problems very nicely. You do not have to be a big bruiser to stun and undermine the attack of a big bruiser. Also, if you can get your hands on just about any hard object, a hairbrush, a glass, even a tooth brush or a pocket calculator, you've got a deadly and covert weapon - if you know how to use it. ...From

B says:

Its a very unique method, and extremely effective, though I've not had to use it personally. As DOK LEE said, "the world of Hikuta, where knowledge replaces fear". It does boosts your confidence a great deal.

Here's the testimonial from Perry who trained with us this past summer ( 01):

The training was GREAT! Hikuta is a no non-sense way to protect yourself & your family. If your profession puts you in harms way. Then, this is the key to your piece of mind. The power in Hikuta is real and is delivered with blinding speed.

It comes at you so fast you simply can't get out of the way and, with so much power you won't believe it. Be prepaired to know what real No "BS" self defence is all about.

Everyone at the training was eager to learn and helpfull. I learned a lot from not only Al Abdin but, Jack & Warren as well I'll be attending more & more!


GenninQ says:

I received early in December and I am just a beginner.I have had around 12 training sessions ....I have always considered myself to be of average speed or maybe even slower.After receiving the package I video taped myself throwing some regular boxing stanced punches and put them on the back burner.After training with the Hikuta package and applying < the>techniques --MAN--I have gained tremendous speed--I taped myself after 1 month and the difference is incredible.I have become ten times faster with my strikes--there is no other strike that compares to a Hikuta strike if you ask me---my power has increased also as I have been using a heavy bag.I am extremely happy with the Hikuta package I ordered and I am looking forward to learning more and more about this art.I would love to learn some of the Hikuta grappling techniques and countering grabs or holds to throw in the mix with my new found striking ability.Thanx Jac for all your time you have invested to the Hikuta Board and for your man prompt responses and your great input on the subject. will definatley continue to sharpen my skills at Hikuta. I am really stunned by the speed I have gained in such a small
amount of time.I can see what you mean that there is no time to react because even I can tell by watching my video that it is almost as fast as the eye can see---I couldn't imaging how fast you guys are with all of your training involved

From John K concerning the Kuta Basics video (tape #2 ):
our second tape is very good. I find the three tips at the beginning
of the
tape very helpful. I have always found it difficult to organize my
for defense from a fell swoop. This technique makes what was impossible
me easy. ...

I have a good gym in my new house. I have a bag setup like yours and I have
mats to put down for grappling. It is great.

Thank you.
John Kilpatrick, PhD
Karate expert and 3rd Degree Black Belt in Aikido

More from John K
. One time I was practicing Karate with a good friend and he had a hole in his guard. I kept telling him this but he thought I was wrong. To show him I just lightly popped him in the chest with a relaxed hand and I knocked him out. I was amazed! I barely touched him, but I guess it was a rather poor Hikuta strike.

From "Swifty"
I've been training Hikuta .... I think there might be something special with Hikuta. I wasnt real impressed at first, but ...practice on the spar pro dummy has convinced me that Hikuta is something special. I've been taking a JKD class with stickfighting mixed in with it. Ive noticed that the straight blast in JKD and Hikuta strike is similar. Except the Hikuta strike is faster and more powerful because of the body mechanics involved.


Thanks for this. I appreciate it.

I have experienced a marked increase in speed and power with the open
slap. This is the first drill on the tape. I was expecting some
after a week, but not this much. This stuff really does work. Bloody
stuff. You keep plugging it, whatever you do.


Until next time remember: Knowledge Replaces Fear!

Jack Savage

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A martial art Faster than Kung Fu? More powerful than Karate?

Hikuta Special Report #2

In the first report it was established that Hikuta is not the only system that jives with the LAWS OF COMBATIVES (other systems conform to varying degrees). So what makes Hikuta different? Why do many advanced combat experts think it superior?

Hikuta contains unique features that cause it to stand alone as history's most effective and efficient combative system. In this report we will explore several ( but not all! )of these.

The two distinguishing features of Hikuta are extreme SPEED and POWER ! Testimonials abound as to how training in Hikuta has DRAMATICALLY increased speed and power for practitioners. This speed/power increase does not only apply to self-protection situations, but carries over to other athletic endeavors as well.

Power and speed are developed to what seems a super- human level. Raw speed without explosive POWER to go with it will be of little value in a self-defense situation. Power and speed are developed via scientific application of known body actions and reactions, both physical and mental. No other system known marries SPEED and POWER together to act as one as well as Hikuta! THIS you can take to the bank!

How does Hikuta achieve this incredible improvement in speed/power? Simply by scientifically training for known elements in a logical and progressive manner.

What are these elements? Here are a few : Body mass in motion (getting your weight into your techniques), proper body weapon usage (to deliver maximum kinetic energy into the target WITHOUT injuring yourself in the process! ), startle ( similar physical reaction as when one almost steps on a snake or touches something hot- dramatic speed/power improvement which can be called upon at will- Hikuta has many drills to develop this attribute), whipping drills (to develop snapping/cutting movements -think of an ancient slinger!), fluid body movement ( Kuta is as easy as walking- natural body movement once learned - never forgotten ).

Bottom line: Hikuta can be utilized as a superior fighting system in and of itself OR (for those who are already trained in other systems and happy with them ) its principles can be integrated into other systems ( most observers will not even recognize that Hikuta is being used, thinking that the fighter practicing Hikuta enhanced combatives is naturally 'fast and powerful' ) for additional speed/power.

Another amazing thing : Hikuta can accomplish all this with a very MINIMAL investment of time! Just 10-20 min 2- 3 times per week, for as little as a month, will "hardwire " the Hikuta skills into your system- ready for action whenever needed! And it won't be forgotten- it becomes a part of you. Like riding a bike, you can still do Hikuta effectively many years later even without continued pratice!

Until next time remember: Knowledge Replaces Fear!

Jack Savage

Raymond from Ireland writes:

In all honesty, the history isn't all that important to me personally. What is important is that the drills and techniques shown in DOK Lee's video and book do work-and very well. I have only been practicing them for a number of months and using a loose ungloved fist , I can hit a heavy bag as hard as I can with a hard and gloved fist-and without the amount of chambering for the gloved version. THAT is what counts. It would be nice to have a clearer view of the history of it all, but that is secondary to me at this stage.

My main mode of survival defence is Canadian Combato, but these drills have definitely added both speed and power to all my strikes. You can take that to the bank, my friend. The drills in the Hikuta video are worth my time to practice.

Matthew Temkin
Reply: Hikuta

Amen to what all Dave said. I do not know anything about Hikuta, but I have been in touch with Jack Savage
and he has been a gentlemen to me. I have also seen his team featured in SWAT magazine. Contrary to what the usual suspects claim, Jack job credentials are for real. If he wants to keep his job status to himself, that's fine with me.


Brent writes:

I have been practicing this since it-Hikuta- originally came out (92/93?) and believe it is really useful for the common man or woman.

I know Hikuta only from DOK's tape and book.
The C-hand ... To get a good feel for how much force you can generate without damage to the hand (and it's incredible!), you can try a simple drill I came up with and still use today. When I'm walking down a hallway of concrete block, I like to use the C-fist to repeatedly smack the wall as I walk. You can really hit it hard, once you get the technique down.

The Hikuta fist .... Its a whipping motion, and the speed will be very fast after only a very short time, and lightning/blinding/invisible with just a few months practice. After that, it becomes second nature. even if you don't practice for a month, you are able to instinctively and without telegraph, whip a strike into a target with accuracy. The speed of the Hikuta strike, in any direction, from any starting hand (or foot) position, is what makes it so effective. With no telegraph of the strike, and the ...Hikuta... hand, there is virtually no time to defend against it.


Jack Savage

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Self Defense : Beyond Karate and Martial Arts

Greetings fellow Warrior or Warrior to be!

It doesn't matter WHAT combatives system you train in (or if you train in none at all), success in a hostile situation is dependent upon how close certain "UNIVERSAL LAWS" are followed.

In short, the closer followed, the GREATER your chance of success.

Law of Gross motor skills : These are the skills for general type movements such as walking. Fine motor skills are for very specific movements such as threading a needle. The situation is this: under stress the fine motor skills go south- leaving only gross motor skills for survival. Not only do your gross motor skills survive- they are enhanced!! ; making you a temporary "SUPERMAN" . What exactly does this mean? If ones survival skills are dependent upon striking tiny targets or applying intricate maneuvers- failure is likely. Use techniques that apply tremendous power/speed (such as in Hikuta) so that they will be effective no matter WHERE you strike! Just aim "center of mass" to any available target! And don't forget to keep your movements simple - gross motor skills only apply to very simple movements!

"Train as you fight, fight as you train" - is a saying I've heard thousands of times in my unit. What it means for YOU is this: when the HEATS ON your body/mind/entire being will AUTOMATICALLY attempt to apply the training that you've practiced and internalized. Training in harmony with natures universal laws your chances of survival in a hostile encounter will be magnified !

Hicks Law : This stems from much research from actual hostile confrontations. When confronted with a hostile situation, and the attackee has many options available to him, a delay occurs as he decides the best course of action. It is kind of like a computer with too much information to process - it can lock up from information overload! What this means is this: say someone attempts to strike you, and you are trained in 10 ways to defend yourself from that, a delay will occur as you determine the best course of action. This delay could be fatal. The fatality of overchoice! Solution: seek simple but effective defenses that can be applied in many different situations so Hick's Law wont be violated. Example: work on strong techniques such as powerful punches or kicks which can be applied to various situations. Have an immediate action that applies in most situations.

Back up plan : While you always have ONE thing you do for most situations, have back-ups in case they don't work. Example: say your defense for a headlock is to strongly strike to the groin area. Unfortunately, your attacker has positioned his body in such a way as to not allow that ( most people will do that instictively)- or the strikes are just plain not working. Solution : have several back up escape/counters that are followed sequentially.

Natural body movements : The more the body mechanics of your self protection system follows natural motion patterns the better off you'll be. To be fluid and natural ( like a tiger) is far better than to be stiff and inflexible (like a robot). Since natural body patterns are more easily internalized the self protection skills will be more quickly learned and retained.

Easily learned and retained : Techniques easily learned are often most easily retained. You want techniques that are low maintenance - or Murphy's law (whatever can go wrong will go wrong) might get you! Odds are when you need your skills the most is precisely the same time that you haven't been able to train for months on end- perhaps sick or injured also! There is no system known that will make you an effective fighting machine FASTER or MORE EFFECTIVELY than Hikuta! ! And once learned, NEVER forgotten!

Most of the problems involving ineffectiveness I experienced with past training involved violations of these "laws".

Principles over techniques : Learn and internalize the basic principles behind your fighting system. Techniques may fail you, but principles even without sharp technique may succeed. My advice: if you are presently in a self protection system analyze it and find those techniques/principles that follow these laws most closely. If you are not, perhaps consider Hikuta -simple, effective, efficient to the max!

Speed and power: the two most important elements. This is why in a real world encounter big guys overcome smaller guys (more power), younger guys outdo older ones (youth enhanced speed and power), "reality" systems (boxing ,M Thai, wrestling, etc) usually overcome traditional systems (more emphasis on speed/power), etc. Effective development of speed and power should be primary to ANY real world fighter's training. No system ever devised does this better than Hikuta!

Many are mystified as to how Hikuta can take an average individual and transform him into an almost invincible fighting machine in just a few short lessons. No mystery really. Remember : at some point in history (perhaps it happened in ancient Egypt as legend says- or perhaps a more modern origin is true : developed by a private commando group heavily influenced by ancient fighting systems) a group of specialists in the fields of physics, anatomy, physcology, physiology and combat combined their talents with the end result being the most effective and efficient form of combatives ever developed at any time : HIKUTA! No mystery - just applied science!

Coming soon: Why Hikuta works, sample mini -"Kuta Hand" lesson, Warrior conditioning programs, and MORE!

Knowledge Replaces Fear!

Jack Savage

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Hunza Bread Formula

Greetings all Savage Students!

Here you go all Savage Faithful!


The Hunza Miracle Bread Formula AND Baking Process!

Once you give this stuff a test run you'll plainly see WHY the powers that be in the Bread, Drug, and Diet Industry have pulled out all the stops to keep it from the public!

Only Jack Savage dares!!!

Be SURE to save this newsletter! This will NOT be sent out free again!

Only SAVAGE FILES people will get this for free and only ONE TIME!!

Everyone else from this point forward will pay a heafty price for this information!!

The Hunza Miracle Bread Formula

-2 cups WHOLE MILK

Possible substitution : 1 cup heavy whipping cream and 1 cup mineral water. NOT powdered soya milk as weaker formulas may report. Think about it- did the Hunza have access to powered soya milk? NO WAY!!

-2 pounds natural organic buckwheat OR mullet OR spelt OR whole wheat or other whole grain flour

-3/4 cup BUTTER

NOT canola oil and definitely NOT margarine as other watered down formulas will give. The ONLY possible substitution is extra virgin olive oil.

-3/4 cup natural unrefined sugar ( such as "Sugar in the Raw") NOT brown sugar or any kind of white sugar product.

-10 oz Honey

NOT commercial brand. Look for a private "mom and pop " label. These will not have valuable enzymes and other trace elements removed by the bottling process.

-8 oz molasses

Look for "Mom and Pop" labels as with the Honey.

-1/2 tsp sea salt

NOT regular table salt.

-1/2 tsp cinnamon

-1/2 tsp ground nutmeg

-1 tsp NON ALUMINUM baking powder

You'll probably have to go to a health food store for this.

I could do MANY newsletters as to why you must have BUTTER ( rich in natural vitamins , minerals , and other trace elements ) as opposed to Canola Oil ( a modern product not found in nature ) or margarine ( a potentially very dangerous harmful unnatural laboratory produced product known as a trans-fat ) and perhaps one day I will.

What you need to know now tho is:


Baking Process:

Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Let set for at least 6 hours to allow bread to rise.

Bake at about 300 degrees until raw dough starts to turn to bread and remove from oven. The low heat baking process is critical for the success of this formula.

Allow to sit for 2 hours then cut into 2 inch squares.

Can be stored indefinitely in a Tupperware type of container.

You will find the honey a natural preservative. I have yet to have any bread spoil -even kept one piece for 6 weeks just so see what would happen-, it just gets drier and drier as time goes by.

Diet Plans:

To lose weight: Eat a piece or 2 15-30 min before each meal and whenever you feel the urge to "snack".

To maintain weight - Eat a piece or 2 with each meal.

If you wan to eat the Hunza Bread for health reasons but don't want it to derail weight gain plans: eat a piece 1-3 times a day at end of meals.

Why it works :

The main why is that it dramatically cuts back on the amount of foods ingested.

How does it do that??

By :

- it is VERY filling. One reason people overeat is that they desire to eat more food! For reasons unknown, Hunza bread is far more filling than it has any right to be based on its weight.

-it is VERY nutritious. Another reason people over eat is that tho they eat plenty, their body recognizes that the food is poor in nutrition and gives out hunger signals for more. This is the body's attempt to fill the nutritional void in most diets. Far more calories are ingested than needed BUT without sufficient high quality nutrition.

Hunza Bread is Jam Packed with ultra high quality nutritional value-eliminating the desire to over eat due to nutritional deficiencies.

-if you have a "sweat tooth" you will find your desire for candies and cakes almost eliminated by eating this bread. The natural ( healthy ) sugars in Hunza bread seems to eliminate all desire for sweets.

There you have it!

Now bake some up ( it has been illegal since the 70s for anyone to make and sell Hunza bread -only the formula can be ).

For the DROP DEAD body you always wanted combine Hunza Bread with one or more of the following systems of healthy exercise:


Forgotten methods of the greatest master of Super Strength development secrets revealed!!

SUPER isometrics for a SUPER body!!

Your body is its own gym!! Build a body for the ages!

Build SUPER Stamiina and fitness the JUNGLEMAN Way!

Your Friend and Instructor,

Jack Savage

Hunza Miracle Weight Loss Bread Pt 1

Hunza Miracle Bread- the Savage Formula

During the 60s there was a bit of a "Hunza" craze among fitness and health enthusiasts.

The reason for this was articles done in National Geographic, and other magazines, on a hardy mountain people near India known as the Hunza ( descendants of indigenous peoples as well as Alexander the Great's conquering troops and the infamous Huns -thus the name of Hunza).

Reportably the Hunza were :

-fit and healthy to the extreme

-had very long life expectancies, perhaps the longest on earth.

Health conscience the world over studied the living habits and especially the diet of these people hoping to "be like the Hunza".

Of particular interest being special breads they consumed.

Attempting to re-create these breads for health reasons a interesting side effect was soon discovered : Excess fat seemed to melt away!!

Eating a piece or two 15 minuets before a meal would dramatically (sometimes eliminate ) appetite.

One report was of a businessman (heavily into fitness) who was unable to lose 15 pounds to get to his ideal weight. This was despite the fact that he exercised like a maniac and followed various diets to achieve his goal.

A few months on Hunza bread and all the excess weight was gone- and he was fitter and healthier than ever!

This was not an isolated event - similar results were reported time and time again.

So successful was this formula that bread, drug, and diet companies took notice and pulled out all the stops to shut down and discredit anyone attempting to market this product.

The "powers that be" were successful: effectively yanking the product off the market.

Today the best that you can hope for it to find the formula and cook it up yourself.

"Ones greatness can only be measured by the quality of his enemies."- Ghenis Kahn

"Follow the money"- American Proverb

Why would they do such a thing??

Business, purely business.

"Follow the Money!!"

Imagine the HAVOC that would result if millions of Americans became aware of the benefits of Hunza Bread in the following industries:

-Bread Companies: who have spent MILLIONS marketing far inferior products.

-Diet Industry : BILLIONS spent marketing far inferior products

-Medical Industry : BILLIONS AND BILLIONS spent marketing potentially dangerous drugs and surgeries.

No doubt about it : there are powerful forces within our society that DO NOT want the secret of Hunza Miracle Bread to get out!!

If you Google Hunza bread you will find several WATERED DOWN versions ( formulas the "powers that be" are not too worried about! ) but JACK SAVAGE ( via extensive research and secret contacts) will give all SAVAGE STUDENTS the most authentic formula of Hunza Miracle Bread possible to be made in the modern western world!

In the next week or two it's coming!!! FREE!! The entire formula and baking process!!


So cross your fingers and say your prayers that I don't meet some "mysterious end" before that happens!

The "powers that be" have been known to be ruthless!!

Your Friend and Instructor,

Jack Savage

The Hunza Miracle Bread Formula

-2 cups WHOLE MILK

Possible substitution : 1 cup heavy whipping cream and 1 cup mineral water. NOT powdered soya milk as weaker formulas may report. Think about it- did the Hunza have access to powered soya milk? NO WAY!!

-2 pounds natural organic buckwheat OR mullet OR spelt OR whole wheat or other whole grain flour

-3/4 cup BUTTER

NOT canola oil and definitely NOT margarine as other watered down formulas will give. The ONLY possible substitution is extra virgin olive oil.

-3/4 cup natural unrefined sugar ( such as "Sugar in the Raw") NOT brown sugar or any kind of white sugar product.

-10 oz Honey

NOT commercial brand. Look for a private "mom and pop " label. These will not have valuable enzymes and other trace elements removed by the bottling process.

-8 oz molasses

Look for "Mom and Pop" labels as with the Honey.

-1/2 tsp sea salt

NOT regular table salt.

-1/2 tsp cinnamon

-1/2 tsp ground nutmeg

-1 tsp NON ALUMINUM baking powder

You'll probably have to go to a health food store for this.

I could do MANY newsletters as to why you must have BUTTER ( rich in natural vitamins , minerals , and other trace elements ) as opposed to Canola Oil ( a modern product not found in nature ) or margarine ( a potentially very dangerous harmful unnatural laboratory produced product known as a trans-fat ) and perhaps one day I will.

What you need to know now tho is:


Baking Process:

Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Let set for at least 6 hours to allow bread to rise.

Bake at about 300 degrees until raw dough starts to turn to bread and remove from oven. The low heat baking process is critical for the success of this formula.

Allow to sit for 2 hours then cut into 2 inch squares.

Can be stored indefinitely in a Tupperware type of container.

You will find the honey a natural preservative. I have yet to have any bread spoil -even kept one piece for 6 weeks just so see what would happen-, it just gets drier and drier as time goes by.

Diet Plans:

To lose weight: Eat a piece or 2 15-30 min before each meal and whenever you feel the urge to "snack".

To maintain weight - Eat a piece or 2 with each meal.

If you wan to eat the Hunza Bread for health reasons but don't want it to derail weight gain plans: eat a piece 1-3 times a day at end of meals.

Why it works :

The main why is that it dramatically cuts back on the amount of foods ingested.

How does it do that??

By :

- it is VERY filling. One reason people overeat is that they desire to eat more food! For reasons unknown, Hunza bread is far more filling than it has any right to be based on its weight.

-it is VERY nutritious. Another reason people over eat is that tho they eat plenty, their body recognizes that the food is poor in nutrition and gives out hunger signals for more. This is the body's attempt to fill the nutritional void in most diets. Far more calories are ingested than needed BUT without sufficient high quality nutrition.

Hunza Bread is Jam Packed with ultra high quality nutritional value-eliminating the desire to over eat due to nutritional deficiencies.

-if you have a "sweat tooth" you will find your desire for candies and cakes almost eliminated by eating this bread. The natural ( healthy ) sugars in Hunza bread seems to eliminate all desire for sweets.

Part 3

More Hunza Bread Information

-The Hunza's uses something they called "glacier milk" in the bread. This is from mountain springs so mineral rich that the water appears to be milk to the naked eye!!

Since that is not available, mineral water and sea salt are good substitutes.

-Sea Salt -rich in trace minerals and vitamins BUT the nearest ocean is FAR from the Hunza homeland.

So why is this in the formula??

1- It helps substitute for the missing glacier milk and

2-It was in all likelihood traded for and available at times to the Hunza.

To keep the cost down :

Buy all you can at your local store as opposed to a health food store. As an example organic whole grain flour I found to be about 2/3 the price of the same product at a health food store.

Some things you will HAVE to get at the health food store however. An example being the non-aluminum baking powder.

Calorie content: A 2 inch by 2 inch piece of Hunza bread= about 100 calories.

Perhaps one day I will do a fitness course based on the Hunza lifestyle and diet. These are very fit people but do no planned exercise routines. They don't need to.

Just SURVIVING in their environment was in times past fitness training enough!

To be like a Hunza in today's modern world you should strive to get an hour or two of healthy exercise 5 times or so a week.

Combine this with Hunza Miracle Bread as well as other healthy eating habits and you willbe FAR the better for it!

Your Friend and Instructor,

"Hunza" Jack Savage
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