Saturday, April 01, 2006

Hunza Bread Formula

Greetings all Savage Students!

Here you go all Savage Faithful!


The Hunza Miracle Bread Formula AND Baking Process!

Once you give this stuff a test run you'll plainly see WHY the powers that be in the Bread, Drug, and Diet Industry have pulled out all the stops to keep it from the public!

Only Jack Savage dares!!!

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Only SAVAGE FILES people will get this for free and only ONE TIME!!

Everyone else from this point forward will pay a heafty price for this information!!

The Hunza Miracle Bread Formula

-2 cups WHOLE MILK

Possible substitution : 1 cup heavy whipping cream and 1 cup mineral water. NOT powdered soya milk as weaker formulas may report. Think about it- did the Hunza have access to powered soya milk? NO WAY!!

-2 pounds natural organic buckwheat OR mullet OR spelt OR whole wheat or other whole grain flour

-3/4 cup BUTTER

NOT canola oil and definitely NOT margarine as other watered down formulas will give. The ONLY possible substitution is extra virgin olive oil.

-3/4 cup natural unrefined sugar ( such as "Sugar in the Raw") NOT brown sugar or any kind of white sugar product.

-10 oz Honey

NOT commercial brand. Look for a private "mom and pop " label. These will not have valuable enzymes and other trace elements removed by the bottling process.

-8 oz molasses

Look for "Mom and Pop" labels as with the Honey.

-1/2 tsp sea salt

NOT regular table salt.

-1/2 tsp cinnamon

-1/2 tsp ground nutmeg

-1 tsp NON ALUMINUM baking powder

You'll probably have to go to a health food store for this.

I could do MANY newsletters as to why you must have BUTTER ( rich in natural vitamins , minerals , and other trace elements ) as opposed to Canola Oil ( a modern product not found in nature ) or margarine ( a potentially very dangerous harmful unnatural laboratory produced product known as a trans-fat ) and perhaps one day I will.

What you need to know now tho is:


Baking Process:

Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Let set for at least 6 hours to allow bread to rise.

Bake at about 300 degrees until raw dough starts to turn to bread and remove from oven. The low heat baking process is critical for the success of this formula.

Allow to sit for 2 hours then cut into 2 inch squares.

Can be stored indefinitely in a Tupperware type of container.

You will find the honey a natural preservative. I have yet to have any bread spoil -even kept one piece for 6 weeks just so see what would happen-, it just gets drier and drier as time goes by.

Diet Plans:

To lose weight: Eat a piece or 2 15-30 min before each meal and whenever you feel the urge to "snack".

To maintain weight - Eat a piece or 2 with each meal.

If you wan to eat the Hunza Bread for health reasons but don't want it to derail weight gain plans: eat a piece 1-3 times a day at end of meals.

Why it works :

The main why is that it dramatically cuts back on the amount of foods ingested.

How does it do that??

By :

- it is VERY filling. One reason people overeat is that they desire to eat more food! For reasons unknown, Hunza bread is far more filling than it has any right to be based on its weight.

-it is VERY nutritious. Another reason people over eat is that tho they eat plenty, their body recognizes that the food is poor in nutrition and gives out hunger signals for more. This is the body's attempt to fill the nutritional void in most diets. Far more calories are ingested than needed BUT without sufficient high quality nutrition.

Hunza Bread is Jam Packed with ultra high quality nutritional value-eliminating the desire to over eat due to nutritional deficiencies.

-if you have a "sweat tooth" you will find your desire for candies and cakes almost eliminated by eating this bread. The natural ( healthy ) sugars in Hunza bread seems to eliminate all desire for sweets.

There you have it!

Now bake some up ( it has been illegal since the 70s for anyone to make and sell Hunza bread -only the formula can be ).

For the DROP DEAD body you always wanted combine Hunza Bread with one or more of the following systems of healthy exercise:


Forgotten methods of the greatest master of Super Strength development secrets revealed!!

SUPER isometrics for a SUPER body!!

Your body is its own gym!! Build a body for the ages!

Build SUPER Stamiina and fitness the JUNGLEMAN Way!

Your Friend and Instructor,

Jack Savage


Blogger Unknown said...

Can you use coconut oil instead of butter for this bread?

8:24 AM  

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