Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A martial art Faster than Kung Fu? More powerful than Karate?

Hikuta Special Report #2

In the first report it was established that Hikuta is not the only system that jives with the LAWS OF COMBATIVES (other systems conform to varying degrees). So what makes Hikuta different? Why do many advanced combat experts think it superior?

Hikuta contains unique features that cause it to stand alone as history's most effective and efficient combative system. In this report we will explore several ( but not all! )of these.

The two distinguishing features of Hikuta are extreme SPEED and POWER ! Testimonials abound as to how training in Hikuta has DRAMATICALLY increased speed and power for practitioners. This speed/power increase does not only apply to self-protection situations, but carries over to other athletic endeavors as well.

Power and speed are developed to what seems a super- human level. Raw speed without explosive POWER to go with it will be of little value in a self-defense situation. Power and speed are developed via scientific application of known body actions and reactions, both physical and mental. No other system known marries SPEED and POWER together to act as one as well as Hikuta! THIS you can take to the bank!

How does Hikuta achieve this incredible improvement in speed/power? Simply by scientifically training for known elements in a logical and progressive manner.

What are these elements? Here are a few : Body mass in motion (getting your weight into your techniques), proper body weapon usage (to deliver maximum kinetic energy into the target WITHOUT injuring yourself in the process! ), startle ( similar physical reaction as when one almost steps on a snake or touches something hot- dramatic speed/power improvement which can be called upon at will- Hikuta has many drills to develop this attribute), whipping drills (to develop snapping/cutting movements -think of an ancient slinger!), fluid body movement ( Kuta is as easy as walking- natural body movement once learned - never forgotten ).

Bottom line: Hikuta can be utilized as a superior fighting system in and of itself OR (for those who are already trained in other systems and happy with them ) its principles can be integrated into other systems ( most observers will not even recognize that Hikuta is being used, thinking that the fighter practicing Hikuta enhanced combatives is naturally 'fast and powerful' ) for additional speed/power.

Another amazing thing : Hikuta can accomplish all this with a very MINIMAL investment of time! Just 10-20 min 2- 3 times per week, for as little as a month, will "hardwire " the Hikuta skills into your system- ready for action whenever needed! And it won't be forgotten- it becomes a part of you. Like riding a bike, you can still do Hikuta effectively many years later even without continued pratice!

Until next time remember: Knowledge Replaces Fear!

Jack Savage

Raymond from Ireland writes:

In all honesty, the history isn't all that important to me personally. What is important is that the drills and techniques shown in DOK Lee's video and book do work-and very well. I have only been practicing them for a number of months and using a loose ungloved fist , I can hit a heavy bag as hard as I can with a hard and gloved fist-and without the amount of chambering for the gloved version. THAT is what counts. It would be nice to have a clearer view of the history of it all, but that is secondary to me at this stage.

My main mode of survival defence is Canadian Combato, but these drills have definitely added both speed and power to all my strikes. You can take that to the bank, my friend. The drills in the Hikuta video are worth my time to practice.

Matthew Temkin
Reply: Hikuta

Amen to what all Dave said. I do not know anything about Hikuta, but I have been in touch with Jack Savage
and he has been a gentlemen to me. I have also seen his team featured in SWAT magazine. Contrary to what the usual suspects claim, Jack job credentials are for real. If he wants to keep his job status to himself, that's fine with me.


Brent writes:

I have been practicing this since it-Hikuta- originally came out (92/93?) and believe it is really useful for the common man or woman.

I know Hikuta only from DOK's tape and book.
The C-hand ... To get a good feel for how much force you can generate without damage to the hand (and it's incredible!), you can try a simple drill I came up with and still use today. When I'm walking down a hallway of concrete block, I like to use the C-fist to repeatedly smack the wall as I walk. You can really hit it hard, once you get the technique down.

The Hikuta fist .... Its a whipping motion, and the speed will be very fast after only a very short time, and lightning/blinding/invisible with just a few months practice. After that, it becomes second nature. even if you don't practice for a month, you are able to instinctively and without telegraph, whip a strike into a target with accuracy. The speed of the Hikuta strike, in any direction, from any starting hand (or foot) position, is what makes it so effective. With no telegraph of the strike, and the ...Hikuta... hand, there is virtually no time to defend against it.


Jack Savage


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