Sunday, April 02, 2006

Self Defense : Beyond Karate and Martial Arts

Greetings fellow Warrior or Warrior to be!

It doesn't matter WHAT combatives system you train in (or if you train in none at all), success in a hostile situation is dependent upon how close certain "UNIVERSAL LAWS" are followed.

In short, the closer followed, the GREATER your chance of success.

Law of Gross motor skills : These are the skills for general type movements such as walking. Fine motor skills are for very specific movements such as threading a needle. The situation is this: under stress the fine motor skills go south- leaving only gross motor skills for survival. Not only do your gross motor skills survive- they are enhanced!! ; making you a temporary "SUPERMAN" . What exactly does this mean? If ones survival skills are dependent upon striking tiny targets or applying intricate maneuvers- failure is likely. Use techniques that apply tremendous power/speed (such as in Hikuta) so that they will be effective no matter WHERE you strike! Just aim "center of mass" to any available target! And don't forget to keep your movements simple - gross motor skills only apply to very simple movements!

"Train as you fight, fight as you train" - is a saying I've heard thousands of times in my unit. What it means for YOU is this: when the HEATS ON your body/mind/entire being will AUTOMATICALLY attempt to apply the training that you've practiced and internalized. Training in harmony with natures universal laws your chances of survival in a hostile encounter will be magnified !

Hicks Law : This stems from much research from actual hostile confrontations. When confronted with a hostile situation, and the attackee has many options available to him, a delay occurs as he decides the best course of action. It is kind of like a computer with too much information to process - it can lock up from information overload! What this means is this: say someone attempts to strike you, and you are trained in 10 ways to defend yourself from that, a delay will occur as you determine the best course of action. This delay could be fatal. The fatality of overchoice! Solution: seek simple but effective defenses that can be applied in many different situations so Hick's Law wont be violated. Example: work on strong techniques such as powerful punches or kicks which can be applied to various situations. Have an immediate action that applies in most situations.

Back up plan : While you always have ONE thing you do for most situations, have back-ups in case they don't work. Example: say your defense for a headlock is to strongly strike to the groin area. Unfortunately, your attacker has positioned his body in such a way as to not allow that ( most people will do that instictively)- or the strikes are just plain not working. Solution : have several back up escape/counters that are followed sequentially.

Natural body movements : The more the body mechanics of your self protection system follows natural motion patterns the better off you'll be. To be fluid and natural ( like a tiger) is far better than to be stiff and inflexible (like a robot). Since natural body patterns are more easily internalized the self protection skills will be more quickly learned and retained.

Easily learned and retained : Techniques easily learned are often most easily retained. You want techniques that are low maintenance - or Murphy's law (whatever can go wrong will go wrong) might get you! Odds are when you need your skills the most is precisely the same time that you haven't been able to train for months on end- perhaps sick or injured also! There is no system known that will make you an effective fighting machine FASTER or MORE EFFECTIVELY than Hikuta! ! And once learned, NEVER forgotten!

Most of the problems involving ineffectiveness I experienced with past training involved violations of these "laws".

Principles over techniques : Learn and internalize the basic principles behind your fighting system. Techniques may fail you, but principles even without sharp technique may succeed. My advice: if you are presently in a self protection system analyze it and find those techniques/principles that follow these laws most closely. If you are not, perhaps consider Hikuta -simple, effective, efficient to the max!

Speed and power: the two most important elements. This is why in a real world encounter big guys overcome smaller guys (more power), younger guys outdo older ones (youth enhanced speed and power), "reality" systems (boxing ,M Thai, wrestling, etc) usually overcome traditional systems (more emphasis on speed/power), etc. Effective development of speed and power should be primary to ANY real world fighter's training. No system ever devised does this better than Hikuta!

Many are mystified as to how Hikuta can take an average individual and transform him into an almost invincible fighting machine in just a few short lessons. No mystery really. Remember : at some point in history (perhaps it happened in ancient Egypt as legend says- or perhaps a more modern origin is true : developed by a private commando group heavily influenced by ancient fighting systems) a group of specialists in the fields of physics, anatomy, physcology, physiology and combat combined their talents with the end result being the most effective and efficient form of combatives ever developed at any time : HIKUTA! No mystery - just applied science!

Coming soon: Why Hikuta works, sample mini -"Kuta Hand" lesson, Warrior conditioning programs, and MORE!

Knowledge Replaces Fear!

Jack Savage


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