Saturday, April 08, 2006

Super Forearm Building Exercise : the Newspaper Drill

The newpaper drill :

Take a sheet of any newspaper.

Grab a corner and hold it out in front of you with one

Now start rolling it into a ball using just the hand/
fingers of the hand you are holding it with. You can
put your other hand in your pocket if you like!

Try to compress the "ball" you are making as small as possible as you
roll it

You may not be able to roll it up all the way at
first- it is a challenging exercise.

You can cheat a little sometimes by using the other
hand to straighten out the paper or bringing the
paper to your thigh to get it straightened out where
you can roll it a little easier.

If you do this exercise even half way right even once you will be
of its benefits!

For more great exercises for powerful and dynamic wrist, grip, and forearms see my Freaky Forearms Course!

Jack Savage


Blogger Unknown said...

Super! I really enjoyed this forearm workout. Thank you for sharing.

11:36 PM  

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