Saturday, April 29, 2006

Ephedra : health hazzard? or valuable suppliment?

A snatch from a health newsletter:

Great Book: Ephedra Fact and Fiction
There is a great book which talks at length about how politics, the press, and special interests are targeting your rights to vitamins, minerals, herbs, and true information about health. The book is entitled Ephedra Fact and Fiction, authored by Mike Fillon, and published by Woodland Publishing, (800) 777-2665.

Richard Kreider, Ph.D. from Baylor University says, "The book is fascinating, a classic example of how misinformation stemming from various special interest groups and broadcast by the media can cause a political and legal firestorm regarding a supplement."

The American Association for Health Freedom says, "The book is a disturbing look at the political and financial agendas, media hype, and ulterior motives surrounding the wrongly accused supplement industry. A sound and thorough argument."

The book investigates every avenue from behind-the-scenes deals between lawmakers and pharmaceutical companies, to using the media's ability to misinform the people. It explains how front PR firms are used, including the blatant dismissal of legitimate research supporting supplements safety. The book's discoveries and explanations of the scenarios are not simply about epehdra, but rather exposes the entire supplement industry, the legislation that governs it, and how lobbyists, special interests, the drug companies, and media are all working together to hide the truth about nutritional information from the public. I highly recommend this book. It goes into great detail and validates everything I've been saying in my book and in my newsletters.

Special Note : Most people thing Ehedra is illegal- and you wont find it in your health food store any moe BUT I still see it all the time at gas stations - truckers still use it a lot.


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