Thursday, June 29, 2006

Get BIG ARMS this way

The Jack Savage Files :Savage Arms of Steel Part 2

NOTE : Be sure to SAVE this series! Ot will no doubt be expanded a bit into a course of its own very soon!

SPECIAL NOTE: TONIGHT is the deadline for ordering DynaFlex 2 at the special pre-release price!!

My webmaster will have the new section for it up soon- WITHOUT the Zaas/Apollon Special Free gifts!! Get with it and don't miss out!!!


The Arms of Steel Program

The Savage Pull Up
Can also be called Dynamic Isometric Overload Pull Up /Chin Up :
This movement will not only build great arms but work all the pulling muscles of your upper body and grip.

Grasp the bar with hands a little closer than shoulder width apart.

The bar should be grasped with the palms facing towards you ( this is called a pull up ).

First do a few warm up reps or negative warm up reps ( jump to the top position then lower yourself under control to the bottom).

Then go over to the vertical dip bar and do the same thing.

This should get you warmed up and ready to go.

Now jump to the top position of the pull up bar and hold for 6 seconds while you tense your biceps and your entire upper body.

Slowly lower to the "sticking point" of the movement ( the place where on a regular pull up the movement seems the hardest ) and hold for 6 seconds.

Now slowly lower to almost lockout position ( where your arms are almost straight ) and hold for 6 seconds.

Next lower to the bottom position and feel a "stretch".

Now EXPLODE up as high as you can ( if you did the other parts of the exercise correctly it shouldn't be very far! ) and hold that position for 6 seconds.

Now once again go to the bottom "stretch" position and hold for 6 seconds while gripping the bar as hard as you can.

Guidlines for advancement on the Isometric Overload Pull-UP Chin Up:

- Ever other workout varry the movement by doing it with your palms facing away from you ( this is called the chin up ). By alternating each workout the direction of your palms you will gain better all around development. Also, if you have access to an attachment that has your palms facing each other rotate that into your prograam as well.

-Start with body weight and add weight each workout by 2.5 to 5 pounds. This can be done in a variety of ways-you can buy a special belt or just tie a weight around your mid section.

-If doing the exercise with just body weight is difficult for you do the best that you can. Try to hold the positions for just a fraction of a second. Increase the hold times till you can hold each position for 6 seconds then start with the weight increases.


Can also be called Dynamic Isometric Vertical Dip

This exercise will build your tricep muscles ( the back of your arms ) like no other. It also builds ALL your upper body pushing muscles to a great degree.

Starting at the top position slowly lower to the bottom -stretch-then explode to the top. Continue to push upward at the top to activate your trap muscles ( muscles between neck and shoulder ). Hold for 6 seconds.

Slowly lower till just past where your arms are bent and hold for 6 seconds.

Now lower to the "sticking point" and hold for 6 seconds.

Now lower to just before you feel a stretch in your muscles and hold for 6 seconds.

Now lower to the stretch position and explode up as high as you can. This won't be far if you have done the other parts of the movement with vigor! Hold that position for 6 seconds.

Now lower to a stretch position and really feel a good stretch for 6 seconds.


With both arms in front of you try to touch your shoulder with your fist while "making a muscle" ( flexing your biceps). Continue to do both actions until you feel your arms vibrating, then hold for a slow count of six flexing harder with each second.


Straighten out your arms to the sides and back as far as they will go. Continue to straighten the arm and actually try to "bend" the arm as you flex the back of your arms ( triceps ) mightily. Keep doing this till your arm starts to vibrate and then hold for a slow count of 6 while flexing harder with each second.

Next Time :

PART 3 !!!!

In Strength,

Jack Savage

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