Sunday, July 09, 2006

Build Muscular Powerful Arms

The Jack Savage Files :Savage Arms of Steel Part 3

NOTE : Be sure to SAVE this series! Ot will no doubt be expanded a bit into a course of its own very soon!
Part 3

Phase 2

After several months on this program you may elect to add phase 2 for added muscular size. If you are happy with your results on Phase 1-massive strength increases along with a toned and "cabled" look to your arms along with added size as well -simply continue doing what your are doing.

If "super sized" arms are your desire then Phase 2 is for you!

The Savage Secret to big arms:

Add strength first. Not only in the muscles but in the tendons as well. This will give you a solid foundation for massive muscular gains. You will also gain size from strength training alone- perhaps all you want.

It is true that the arms can be "pumped up" to good size without a lot in the way of strength. This is akin to building with a foundation on the sand. Arms are built with little in thw way of functionality and will lose size rapidly without continued training.

The Savage Way is the better way : Strength, power, tone, THEN size!!

Many people need strength and power in their arms without a lot in the way of added size. Phase 1 tends to add size to those that need it and "powerize" the arms of those who already have good size.

The Phase 2 Program

Do the Phase 1 program ( this will only take a few min ).

Then go to the pull up bar and do as many full range repetitions as you can. Each workout add one rep-even if you can't go up all the way. The attempt to do the rep will reap great results.

You can also substitute "negative" reps for some ot the partial reps for variety.

Work your way up to 20 reps- even is some ( or many ) are partial reps.

Next go to the Dip station and do as many full reps as you can.

Add 1 rep per workout.

If you cant do full reps on all reps substute negaitve reps for the one you can't get.

Then after lowering yourself on the last rep attempt to explde from the bottom "stretched" position several times.

Negatives= jump to the top position and lower yourself under control to the bottom.

Work your way up tp 20 reps.

Savage Secret for Success: Do the entire program -Phase 1 and 2- as quickly as you can in good form. Compressing as much work as possible into as little time as possible will greatly increase your gains.


The Savage Arms of Steel Program has worked wonders on everyone who has faithfully tried it !! It takes only a few minuets but works for better than progrms that can take hours per week!

If you have the DESIRE for out of this world arm development then this program will work for you!

The keys to success are to follow the program as designed - adding INTENSITY to each and every workout!

For Powerful Arms,

Jack Savage

Magnetic Therapy

I've been researching this for a while. I've come from skeptic, to umm maybe, to WOW!

I will put out a detailed account on field research on myself and clients soon.

These "magic magnetic finger rings" use both magnetic therapy and chi pressure points for amazing results:

-sleep better/ feel far better with LESS sleep!

-get better and faster results from your workouts

-recover faster from workouts

-perhaps even healing and anti-aging!!

For now check out out for yourself :

With a 90 day money back guarantee- you can't lose!

Jack Savage

Make a MINT on the Internet and kiss your boss good by forever!!
SAVAGE marketing secrets revealed!!


I now have an operational Blog!!

With this I can post UNEDITED fitness and self defense posts VERY easily!

My webmaster is setting up another Blog - the plan being to experiment with several to determine which will work better.

On the Savage Blog you will find:

- archived newsletters ; it is too time consuming to send out missed or accidentally deleted ones - so look to the Blog for these!

- material not in my e mailed newsletter : a lot of thoughts that go thru my head will be posted on the SAVAGE BLOG- no need to tidy them up for the newsletter or a course/special report

-power blogging : my e mail box, mail box, bookmarks etc are always CRAMMED FULL of valuable fitness/self defense info that would be too time consuming to send out via e mail- see for yourself where many of my great ideas sprout from!

-in the Savage Files newsletter i attempt to give you the VERY BEST fitness/self defense info- but there is a VAST AMOUNT of info that doesn't quite make it- read it for yourself and watch as your life changes for the better!!

-you can easily e mail my Blog to a friend who needs this life changing info!

-doing your own newsletter: feel free to "swipe" anything from my blog to use in a newsletter of your own- just have a link back to the blog is all I ask in return

Don't wait another minute! Go to the Savage Blog NOW!!

Click here for Jack Savage's Fitness and Self Defense Blog:

Your Friend and instructor,

Jack Savage


From Yvette :

Yahoo Instant Messanger=YvetteSavage

I have just set up a little Blog of my own :)

It will also deal with Fitness and Self Defense- as well as some more naughtty subjects ( note- YES I've got spell check! Daaaaa! You have to misspell certain words to make it thru the SPAM filters! Daaaa X 2)

You can only get to my Blog by being over 18 and e mailing me directly :

L8ers Peeps!!


Coming soon!!
Savage ARMS OF STEEL program

Build the most massive and powerful arms imaginable training less than 5 min two times per week!!

This will be available FREE to Savage Files subscribers but will cost " mucho bucks " to everyone else!

This may be our first "electronic book" .

Miracle Fat Loss Formulas

Special herbals, teas, and other tried and true methods to safely flush fat from your body!

These are FAR better and FAR cheaper than the highly touted "fat loss formulas" advertised in the "bodybuilding rags".

PLUS Much, much more!!

You DON'T want to miss 06 for the revolutionary fitness and self defense info coming your way FREE to all Savage Files subscribers!

Important Contact Info:


Yahoo Instant Messanger=YvetteSavage

From Yvette: My new AOL screen name is YvetteSavage96. Please feel free to fire me an IM whenever you see me online. Depending on how busy I am and how time permits we can talk about anything fitness, self defense related, or anything else your little heart desires!

For e mail it is still best to use

I also have some pics available if you would like an idea of what the person you are communicating with looks like ( no not THOSE kinda of pics pervert! -at least not until you can convince me you are over 18 ;) - lol! )

In order to get the Quickest response to your questions please use the
following e mail addy's:

Orders- Use . I check this almost daily , anything
related is answered ; anything that should go to the fitness or self
defense e
mail addys is forwarded.

Fitness Questions : Use SavageFit@ goes directly to Jack.

Self Defense Questions: Use - goes directly to

DON'T USE : This is just to send the newsletter out
for unsubscribe requests. Everything else is either ignored or deleted
usually. Hopefully soon our webmaster will design a better way to do
this and this e
mail addy will poof entirely.

To contact me ( Yvette-in case you forgot already :) ) : ( special note : I'm NOT related in any way
shape or
form to Jack Savage, the e mail addy designed to connect with the
company )

IMs : YvetteSavage96 is my AOL screen name if you want to fire me an IM.
understand tho- IMs will be answered as I have spare moments so please
be patient.


Forgotten methods of the greatest master of Super Strength development secrets revealed!!

SUPER isometrics for a SUPER body!!

History's most lethal and most EFECTIVE self defense system!!

Your body is its own gym!! Build a body for the ages!

Build SUPER Stamiina and fitness the JUNGLEMAN Way!

Kevin Trudeau , maverick author of " Natural Cures " fame revels and even MORE maverick inventor! According to the inventor: The healing sciences of MAGNETIC THERAPY and CHI ACCUPRESSURE are COMBINED! Lose wiight! Heal Injuries and even diseases! Slow down, stop, or reverse aging may even be possible!You've GOT to check this out! Click or copy/past the URL below!

To Unsubscribe: Press "Reply" then type "unsubscribe" then press "send" .

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Get BIG ARMS this way

The Jack Savage Files :Savage Arms of Steel Part 2

NOTE : Be sure to SAVE this series! Ot will no doubt be expanded a bit into a course of its own very soon!

SPECIAL NOTE: TONIGHT is the deadline for ordering DynaFlex 2 at the special pre-release price!!

My webmaster will have the new section for it up soon- WITHOUT the Zaas/Apollon Special Free gifts!! Get with it and don't miss out!!!


The Arms of Steel Program

The Savage Pull Up
Can also be called Dynamic Isometric Overload Pull Up /Chin Up :
This movement will not only build great arms but work all the pulling muscles of your upper body and grip.

Grasp the bar with hands a little closer than shoulder width apart.

The bar should be grasped with the palms facing towards you ( this is called a pull up ).

First do a few warm up reps or negative warm up reps ( jump to the top position then lower yourself under control to the bottom).

Then go over to the vertical dip bar and do the same thing.

This should get you warmed up and ready to go.

Now jump to the top position of the pull up bar and hold for 6 seconds while you tense your biceps and your entire upper body.

Slowly lower to the "sticking point" of the movement ( the place where on a regular pull up the movement seems the hardest ) and hold for 6 seconds.

Now slowly lower to almost lockout position ( where your arms are almost straight ) and hold for 6 seconds.

Next lower to the bottom position and feel a "stretch".

Now EXPLODE up as high as you can ( if you did the other parts of the exercise correctly it shouldn't be very far! ) and hold that position for 6 seconds.

Now once again go to the bottom "stretch" position and hold for 6 seconds while gripping the bar as hard as you can.

Guidlines for advancement on the Isometric Overload Pull-UP Chin Up:

- Ever other workout varry the movement by doing it with your palms facing away from you ( this is called the chin up ). By alternating each workout the direction of your palms you will gain better all around development. Also, if you have access to an attachment that has your palms facing each other rotate that into your prograam as well.

-Start with body weight and add weight each workout by 2.5 to 5 pounds. This can be done in a variety of ways-you can buy a special belt or just tie a weight around your mid section.

-If doing the exercise with just body weight is difficult for you do the best that you can. Try to hold the positions for just a fraction of a second. Increase the hold times till you can hold each position for 6 seconds then start with the weight increases.


Can also be called Dynamic Isometric Vertical Dip

This exercise will build your tricep muscles ( the back of your arms ) like no other. It also builds ALL your upper body pushing muscles to a great degree.

Starting at the top position slowly lower to the bottom -stretch-then explode to the top. Continue to push upward at the top to activate your trap muscles ( muscles between neck and shoulder ). Hold for 6 seconds.

Slowly lower till just past where your arms are bent and hold for 6 seconds.

Now lower to the "sticking point" and hold for 6 seconds.

Now lower to just before you feel a stretch in your muscles and hold for 6 seconds.

Now lower to the stretch position and explode up as high as you can. This won't be far if you have done the other parts of the movement with vigor! Hold that position for 6 seconds.

Now lower to a stretch position and really feel a good stretch for 6 seconds.


With both arms in front of you try to touch your shoulder with your fist while "making a muscle" ( flexing your biceps). Continue to do both actions until you feel your arms vibrating, then hold for a slow count of six flexing harder with each second.


Straighten out your arms to the sides and back as far as they will go. Continue to straighten the arm and actually try to "bend" the arm as you flex the back of your arms ( triceps ) mightily. Keep doing this till your arm starts to vibrate and then hold for a slow count of 6 while flexing harder with each second.

Next Time :

PART 3 !!!!

In Strength,

Jack Savage

Magnetic Therapy

I've been researching this for a while. I've come from skeptic, to umm maybe, to WOW!

I will put out a detailed account on field research on myself and clients soon.

These "magic magnetic finger rings" use both magnetic therapy and chi pressure points for amazing results:

-sleep better/ feel far better with LESS sleep!

-get better and faster results from your workouts

-recover faster from workouts

-perhaps even healing and anti-aging!!

For now check out out for yourself :

With a 90 day money back guarantee- you can't lose!

Jack Savage


Forgotten methods of the greatest master of Super Strength development secrets revealed!!

SUPER isometrics for a SUPER body!!

History's most lethal and most EFECTIVE self defense system!!

Your body is its own gym!! Build a body for the ages!

Build SUPER Stamiina and fitness the JUNGLEMAN Way!

Kevin TrudeauĀ , maverick author of " Natural Cures " fame revels and even MORE maverick inventor! According to the inventor: The healing sciences of MAGNETIC THERAPY and CHI ACCUPRESSURE are COMBINED! Lose wiight! Heal Injuries and even diseases! Slow down, stop, or reverse aging may even be possible!You've GOT to check this out! Click or copy/past the URL below!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Beat Repetitive Strain Injuries

Boredom Breeds Injury

Repetitive strain injuries are a major issue in the work world -- for the musician who sits and moves in the same posture day after day... the sign language translator whose hands are always in motion... or, as is most typical, the person who works at a computer. The cost of these injuries is approximately $20 billion per year in worker's compensation -- then there are the missed days from the job and the sometimes excruciating pain that intrudes on a person's livelihood. Now researchers have come across a surprising finding that might improve the situation: They have discovered a subtle early symptom that, when recognized, opens the way for intervention before the problem becomes acute.

For the study at Temple University's College of Health Professions, study authors Ann Barr, PhD, and Mary Barbe, PhD, put a group of laboratory rats to work performing repetitive motion tasks, the type of activities that lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, tennis elbow and similar neural and musculoskeletal injuries. Much to the researchers' surprise, weeks before the rats showed signs of pain, they began to develop psychosocial symptoms. They slacked off from their tasks and eventually some of the rats started curling into a ball to sleep between chores. This behavior, the researchers realized, was comparable to the malaise, fatigue and depression that define "sick-worker" syndrome. The researchers believe the common link has to do with inflammatory proteins called cytokines. Chronic low-force, highly repetitive work triggers cytokines that then go into the bloodstream and tissues around the peripheral nerves, causing nerve injury. It appears that cytokines in the bloodstream also find their way into the brain causing, yes, malaise, low-level depression and lethargy.


I consulted with Dr. Barr on how people can put the information gained from this study to use. The primary message, she says, is that people who are vulnerable to repetitive strain injury for any reason, including their work situation, must pay attention if they begin to experience feelings of malaise. She says you'll recognize them because they are similar to how people usually feel in the early stages of a cold -- a sense of being sluggish, out of sorts and tired. This is the body's warning system, a way of telling you that you need to take action. It's important to understand that repetitive strain injuries come about from activities that require either low force/high repetition (e.g., typing) or high force/low repetition (e.g., skydiving) and that if what you do demands high force and high repetition, she says you are really setting yourself up for trouble. The key to self-defense is to modify your actions so that you break the cycle of repetitive activity by taking regular breaks from the activity. Evaluate if you are pushing yourself too long or if you need to decrease the intensity of the way you are performing the task.

Interestingly, while exercising too much outside of work is a possible trigger, say by lifting weights without resting your muscles between sessions or by using weights that are too heavy, for the most part, exercise can be beneficial. Dr. Barr speculates that aerobic exercise in particular can help because it strengthens the immune system, which means a healthier inflammatory response. Investigate as well if there are ways to intervene ergonomically. In other words, make changes in the physical motions of the task itself that will reduce the intensity you need to accomplish it, or alter the workstation to position you in a more healthful way. If you have been experiencing malaise and consequent pain for more than one month, she says, have your doctor do an evaluation for a referral to a physical or occupational therapist for additional help.


I also called naturopath Mark Stengler, ND, for his advice concerning repetitive strain injuries. He agrees that they are important to address in the earliest stages possible. His first suggestion is methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), a nutritional supplement used to address the pain and help heal muscle and tendon/ligament/joint injuries. Patients are often prescribed 3,000 mg to 5,000 mg a day, though doses of up to 8,000 mg per day are typically taken until pain and inflammation begins to recede. Bromelain, an enzyme extracted from the stems of pineapple, reduces swelling and can also help heal a strain -- 500 mg three times daily may be ordered between meals, but it is medically contraindicated with blood thinners. The homeopathic Ruta graveolens is frequently prescribed at two pellets of 30C potency twice daily for seven days. For additional help in healing injured tissues, 1,000 mg of vitamin C twice a day may be added to the regimen.

By being alert to the symptoms of malaise, you may be able to avoid the serious physical and financial strain of repetitive motion injuries.

SUPER DYNAFLEX Isometrics for a SUPER body!! Build a Power Body if Steel in just min a day!!

Magnetic Therapy

I've been researching this for a while. I've come from skeptic, to umm maybe, to WOW!

I will put out a detailed account on field research on myself and clients soon.

These "magic magnetic finger rings" use both magnetic therapy and chi pressure points for amazing results:

-sleep better/ feel far better with LESS sleep!

-get better and faster results from your workouts

-recover faster from workouts

-perhaps even healing and anti-aging!!

For now check out out for yourself :

With a 90 day money back guarantee- you can't lose!

Jack Savage

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Add INCHES to your arms this way! The Savage ARMS OF STEEL Program!

The Jack Savage Files :Savage Arms of Steel Course, Magnetic Therapy -,Yahoo Instant Messenger = YvetteSavage

NOTE : Be sure to SAVE this series! Ot will no doubt be expanded a bit into a course of its own very soon!

The Savage ARMS OF STEEL Program

Want big powerful arms?

Arms BURSTING at the seems with explosive power?

Arms that men will respect and women admire?

Then the Savage ARMS OF STEEL Program is for YOU!!

Just a few minuets one or two times per week on this breakthru program will positively tone, strengthen, and build your arms to Hurculean proportions!!

This super specialty program will build corded, powerful, explosive STRENGTH and SIZE beyond your wildest dreams!!


Do the Arms of Steel Program once or twice per week with a break in between days. Example: On Mondays and Thursdays.

Do this program in conjunction with a total fitness program for best results ( see the many great Jack Savage courses that will give you exactly that!) .

Do the Arms Of Steel Program either at the end of a regular workout- or at a separate time or day.


You will need access to a pull up bar, a vertical dip bar, and a method to attach weights to your body.

You can buy many inexpensive devices for your home, go to a gym, or perhaps even use a "monkey bar" system at your local children's recreation centers.


The Arms of Steel program utilizes a variety of effective exercise protocols synergistically fused together to magnify the results of each.

Some of the tried and true exercise systems integrated into the ARMS OF STEEL Program:

Dynamic Isometrics : Isometrics with movement- a Russian secret to advanced gains.

Isometrics : The KING of all strength building principles.

Body weight Isotonics : Exercise with movement- for building strength that is truly FUNCTIONAL and not just for show!!

Dynamic Calisthenics : Moving your body weight thru space- a Bulgarian secret for maximizing natural anabolic hormone release during exercise.

Progressive Overload : Using planned progressive increases in resistance placed on the muscles and tendons. A proven way for continued ressults.

DynaFlex : German secret flexing method usually done during the max contraction of the muscles. This "no movement" exercise method yields astouinding results.

Negative resistance : Working your body thru the lowering of resistance. This will add to the intensity and hit many normally unused muscle fibers. A "high intensity" favorite!

Stretching and flexing : The very same principle used by the big cats to keep in fighting trim!

This Program works your arms from the inside out- first building vital tendon strength then adding muscle strength and power for cabled arms alive with trip hammer power!


Your Friend and Instructor,

Jack Savage

Monday, May 29, 2006

Bodybuilders and Counterfiet Muscles

From a fitness nwesletter- I couldn't agree more!

But they are NOT designed with the primary intention
of making you look like you're fit, healthy and vibrantly
alive - when you're really not.

There you have it, my friend. The above paragraph gives
you the way most bodybuilders think - and the way they
want YOU to think.

They want you to be obsessed with every morsel of body
fat. They want you to count the number of veins you can
see when you flex. They want you to to have symmetry
and a host of other artsy-fartsy terms.

And they could care less about how strong you are, how
athletic you are, how healthy you are, how flexibile - nor
how intelligent.

Shave body. Apply lotion. Stand before mirror - primp and

Get into tanning bed.

Workout with weights that would embarrass a five-year old.

And when you train - remember, pump is more important than

Build your muscles as big as you can - but never ask yourself
questions like: How strong am I, really. How much endurance do
I have. How flexible am I. And most importantly - what can I do
with this body I'm creating - other than pose and flex.

I am not embellishing the truth in the least when I tell you that there
are champion bodybuilders who cannot walk up a flight of stairs without
being out of gas.

One of my favorite eye-witness accounts was when I spoke to a
bodybuilder in a gym. He was pedaling an exercycle. It was a
computerized device made by a top company. Yet, the amazing
fact was the bodybuilder was pedaling without it being turned on.

I asked him what he was doing. I thought the machine might be
broken. But it wasn't. This was the man's "cardio workout."

"I burn more fat when I train this way," he said.

"Yeah, I'm SURRRRRRE you do," I replied. "You just better hope
that you never have to be fit enough to save your own life someday."

And therein lies another truism exposing the fallacy of bodybuilding.
These guys are not fit enough to save their own lives. They're not
fit enough to even fight. Yet they'll take enough roids that they can
growl and groan and scream as if they're tiger-claw tough.

Believe me, they aren't.

Most bodybuilders are massively insecure; have weak self-images -
and all you need do to make one upset is say, "My goodness, your
arms are looking a bit smaller. Are you okay."

Men who get fit the functional fitness way love to compete against
bodybuilders in a functional way - especially in a combat sport or
martial art. When we do, we quickly discover what we already know:
All those big muscles, rips, cuts, nips, tucks and striations - they
amount to a hill of ... well, anything.

Despite the size, the striations and the low, low, low bodyfat - the
truth is
that bodybuilder muscles are "counterfeit." They're the antithesis of
functional strength - of core strength.

All of the above represents reason after reason why you'll love functional fitnes. You get fit in a natural way. You acquire strength,
and flexibility that you can USE.

You don't need to shave your chest. You don't need a tanning bed or a
set of posing trunks.

Much of the time, you don't even need a mirror - even though from time
time the mirror can and should be used as a training guide and
stick - just not in the obsessive/compulsive way that bodybuilders use

Most importantly, with Functional Fitness, you build the internal and
external strength and health that can save your own life. And along
this comes confidence and courage.

So reach out and grab the authentic, the real, the genuine training
truly DOES improve your life. And leave the counterfeit muscles to
whose bodies gradually become so racked with pain that they can barely
move at all.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Advanced Isometrics

I ran this special for my Savage Files group- thought I'd give it a try for the blogging people too :

The Jack Savage Files : 2nd -and last! Chance for DynaFelx2 Special! Yvette on Yahoo Instant Messanger=YvetteSavage

Hi Pards!

Those of you who have been with me for a while know that when I do things such as a Pre-release special I will run it for a short time-

However, this time around I had a lot of complaints that this special JUST WASN'T FAIR!!

This was due to :

1. The special falling on Mother's Day week- many were saving their hard earned dough to buy dear ole Mom something special. Apparently DynaFlex 2 was not high on her list of gifts she wanted!!

2. The special was open for only a day and a half- a lot of people never even opened the e mail till it was over.

Despite all this, The Pre-Release Special for DynaFlex 2 was THE BEST EVER!! And by a large margin as well!

But never let it be said that ole Jack Savage is unsympathetic to those deserving who couldn't take advantage of my generous offer!

So, the Pre-Release Special is BACK ON till Sunday midnight!

This gives everyone PEANTY OF TIME to order and there is no holiday in sight! So now there will be NO EXCUSES! Order NOW or forever be kicking yourself !!!

Savage DynaFlex 2 -Super Advanced Isometrics Pre-Release Special!

Hi Fitness Pard!

Stunning new announcement!!!

Dynaflex 2 - Advanced Isometrics- the VIDEO coming soon! On DVD !!

Nearly completed the most ambitious project YET from Jack Savage Fitness!!

Gasp in amazement as the world's leading FUNCTIONAL Fitness Guru takes the principles of ISOMETRICS to a new level! Strength and POWER like you've never dreamed possible is now yours!

First shipment of orders to go out the first week of June!!!!

See the newest advances in SCIENTIFIC ISOMETRICS in "Dynaflex 2 -Advanced Isometrics the Jack Savage Way"!

Included is ALL THIS and much MORE :

-the DynaFlex Kata: an amazing DynafFex routine in one continuos "Dance of Fitness". Jack Savage shows you how to seamlessly combine the DynaFlex principle with Dynamic Imaginary Resistance and VibroTension ( both fantastic result producing methods of exercise in their own right ) for results that are many times MAGNIFIED over what is possible with any one single exercise principle alone!!

-SEE mighty Jack Savage perform these exercises so that there is NO DOUBT in your mind as to how they are best done!

-Maximal Contraction : those of you who have DynaFlex 1 know the amazing results that can be had with proper application of this principle; NOW you will learn when and why you would want to apply DynaFlex to other parts of a movement for SUPER results- This will Blow your mind!

-the latest info on Dynaflex from the latest studies and field research! Stay on the Bleeding edge of Scientific Isometrics knowledge!

-DynaFlex with Resistance Bands - the DynaFlex principle is applicable with virtually ANY exercise method! Jack Savage shows how doing the DynaFlex principle with simple "stretchy bands" can open a whole new world of fitness for you! No need to buy any expensive bands form a sporting goods store- most ANY kind will do- even cheap ones from a hardware store or perhaps something lying around the house. Jack Savage gives you all the secrets!

-See many variations of the classic Dynaflex exercises never before revealed! You MUST get this information!

-DynaFlex with weights for SUPER strength!! Just a few simple DynaFlex moves incorporated into a weight program will DRAMATICALLY improve results! If you are into weights- now you will learn how to cut back 70 % of your workload -OR MORE- and gain MANY TIMES the results!! Jack Savage shows you how!!

-see NEW Dynaflex exercises developed by the innovative Jack Savage! Develop your muscles like never before!

-DynaFlex with exercise machines : Usually strength machines give very limited results ( you may be one of the MANY that have experienced this for yourself! ) but by applying DynaFlex you will now have a strength building method second to none!!

-Listen as Jack Savage goes into great detail as to the proper application and performance of ADVANCED Dynaflex. In GREAT detail and far superior way than any manual- what can be explained and showed in a few seconds on video would take PAGES to explain in print- and you still may not get it!

-DynaFlex with Body Weight Exercise- Body Weight Exercise is great- but becomes FAR GREATER with DynaFlex principles applied!! Only Jack Savage can show you the BEST methods!

- Prepare to be inspired as the POWER BODY of Jack Savage ( built by many years of SMART and innovative training ) strains mightily while doing the exercises! You will see EXACTLY which muscles are brought into play with each exercise!

-Exercise along with Jack as he goes thru many variations of the Dynaflex method of total muscle development! There simply CAN'T be a better way!

-How to make simple but ENORMOUSLY productive Isometric Exercise Devices with little or no money! I could make and sell these for megabucks ( and maybe one day I will! )- but I'd rather teach you how to make them cheaply and easily! WARNING - many Isometric Exercise Devices in the past could cause injury easily!! Jack Savage shows how one simple twist will not only prevent injury but MAGNIFY results as well!

-Thank your lucky stars that you will NEVER AGAIN be a slave to a gym or tricky machines! Workout WHENEVER or WHEREVER you want without ever again paying a thin dime to the greedy gym industry!

-Master the Dynaflex exercise method in the quickest way possible as you watch- soon you will not need either the manual or the video to remember HOW and WHAT to do!

-1 hour PLUS in length jam packed with vital information! Compare price per min for this to other INFERIOR tapes- a great value!! Priceless information on this time tested method at ROCK BOTTOM rice!!

-If Jack Savage were an evil former eastern block trainer or a former level two wrestling champion he would probably make this into a 2-4 DVD series and charge 2-3 times as much! Fortunately for you, Jack is not- so you will get a fantastic bargain!

PRE-Release special to ONLY my Jack Savage Files members! !

When released this fantastic product will sell for $49 just like my other fitness videos ( still a great buy! )

IF you order before THIS Sunday midnight get if for only $39 plus $6 S/H ( $12 foreign ) $45 total ($51 Foreign).!!!

WOW! Get yours NOW and save a bundle!!!

Free gift!!!

Order now and get Jack Savage's renowned Ape Big Ape Super Pullup program for free!! This amazing program ( first seen in the Savage Files ) can take someone who cannot do even a single Pull-up or chin up and turn him into a PULL UP MACHINE with explosive back and upper body power to spare in record time!! This alone is worth the price of the entire course! This free gift may be pulled at any time and made into its' OWN COURSE so don't delay!!

Free Gift #2

Special Report- Isometrics : the Zaas Method

Alexander Zaas was a pioneer of strength ( and a great catch wrestler as well) who when captured during the Great War developed his body to superhuman levels by inventing an innovative Isometric Exercise Method ( tho no one had a name for it at the time ). He became so strong that he actually BROKE THE CHAINS that held him and escaped!

His amazing Isometric Method is detailed in this report with suggestions from Jack Savage to make it even MORE PRODUCTIVE! Wow!

I can VERY easily turn this into its' own course too - so order NOW before this free gift is pulled and offered as a course of it's own for mega bucks!

Free Gift # 3

This Savage Files- the BEST of Volume 1

The Savage Files has been around for several years now - offering BLEEDING EDGE fitness and self defense info available NO WHERE ELSE! There have been plans to make this into a costly product offered on my site BUT for a limited time get it for FREE!!

Free Gift #4

Special Report- Isometrics: The Apollon Way

The Apollon Isometic Course ( note - this is what it is know as today- the term isometrics being unknown ) was marketed for many years with MANY happy graduates!

A very simple program that delivered MEGA results in strength and body power!

Many Apollon Students were able to easily bend thick steel bars!!

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Once again, making this into a course of it's own may happen soon- so DON'T delay and get if for a limited time for FREE!!


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Specify in comments section the products you are ordering.


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Hikuta Enterprises

PO Box 6095

North Augusta, SC 29861

Shipping Date = first week in June!!

Your Friend and Instructor,

Jack Savage

Builder of Power Muscled Bodies!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Weight Loss Surgery Woes

From a health newsletter:

Weight-Loss Surgery Woes

Weight-loss surgery may seem like a good way to help morbidly obese people who are unable to lose weight through conventional means to stay out of the hospital in the long run. But that assumption may not be true, it turns out. A study recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that California adults who underwent the Roux en Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery, the most common type of weight-loss surgery, had twice the rate of hospitalization in the year following surgery than they had in the year before surgery. What's more, RYGB patients who were followed for three years spent roughly $20,000 on post-surgical hospitalizations in addition to the surgery's $33,000 tab. That's sobering news -- for both patients and insurers.


Last year, US doctors performed more than 100,000 weight-loss procedures. More than 80% of these were gastric bypass surgeries, which promote weight loss by restricting food intake and reducing the amounts of calories and nutrients the body absorbs. After RYGB surgery, patients can lose roughly 60% to 70% of their excess weight and enjoy improvements in chronic conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and obstructive sleep apnea.

On the downside, patients may experience nutritional deficiencies and digestive problems, and, as the California study found, about 20% of patients go back into the hospital for surgery-related complications, such as ventral hernia repair or gastric revision. For more on gastric bypass considerations.

To qualify for gastric bypass surgery, a person must have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or more (about 100 pounds overweight for men and 80 pounds overweight for women) or a BMI between 35 and 39.9 and a serious obesity-related health problem, such as diabetes, heart disease or sleep apnea. Deciding whether the surgery's risks outweigh the potential health benefits gets a little more complicated when recognizing the potential for additional health problems and hospitalizations, not to mention the extra costs.
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