Sunday, July 09, 2006

Build Muscular Powerful Arms

The Jack Savage Files :Savage Arms of Steel Part 3

NOTE : Be sure to SAVE this series! Ot will no doubt be expanded a bit into a course of its own very soon!
Part 3

Phase 2

After several months on this program you may elect to add phase 2 for added muscular size. If you are happy with your results on Phase 1-massive strength increases along with a toned and "cabled" look to your arms along with added size as well -simply continue doing what your are doing.

If "super sized" arms are your desire then Phase 2 is for you!

The Savage Secret to big arms:

Add strength first. Not only in the muscles but in the tendons as well. This will give you a solid foundation for massive muscular gains. You will also gain size from strength training alone- perhaps all you want.

It is true that the arms can be "pumped up" to good size without a lot in the way of strength. This is akin to building with a foundation on the sand. Arms are built with little in thw way of functionality and will lose size rapidly without continued training.

The Savage Way is the better way : Strength, power, tone, THEN size!!

Many people need strength and power in their arms without a lot in the way of added size. Phase 1 tends to add size to those that need it and "powerize" the arms of those who already have good size.

The Phase 2 Program

Do the Phase 1 program ( this will only take a few min ).

Then go to the pull up bar and do as many full range repetitions as you can. Each workout add one rep-even if you can't go up all the way. The attempt to do the rep will reap great results.

You can also substitute "negative" reps for some ot the partial reps for variety.

Work your way up to 20 reps- even is some ( or many ) are partial reps.

Next go to the Dip station and do as many full reps as you can.

Add 1 rep per workout.

If you cant do full reps on all reps substute negaitve reps for the one you can't get.

Then after lowering yourself on the last rep attempt to explde from the bottom "stretched" position several times.

Negatives= jump to the top position and lower yourself under control to the bottom.

Work your way up tp 20 reps.

Savage Secret for Success: Do the entire program -Phase 1 and 2- as quickly as you can in good form. Compressing as much work as possible into as little time as possible will greatly increase your gains.


The Savage Arms of Steel Program has worked wonders on everyone who has faithfully tried it !! It takes only a few minuets but works for better than progrms that can take hours per week!

If you have the DESIRE for out of this world arm development then this program will work for you!

The keys to success are to follow the program as designed - adding INTENSITY to each and every workout!

For Powerful Arms,

Jack Savage

Magnetic Therapy

I've been researching this for a while. I've come from skeptic, to umm maybe, to WOW!

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These "magic magnetic finger rings" use both magnetic therapy and chi pressure points for amazing results:

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Jack Savage

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I now have an operational Blog!!

With this I can post UNEDITED fitness and self defense posts VERY easily!

My webmaster is setting up another Blog - the plan being to experiment with several to determine which will work better.

On the Savage Blog you will find:

- archived newsletters ; it is too time consuming to send out missed or accidentally deleted ones - so look to the Blog for these!

- material not in my e mailed newsletter : a lot of thoughts that go thru my head will be posted on the SAVAGE BLOG- no need to tidy them up for the newsletter or a course/special report

-power blogging : my e mail box, mail box, bookmarks etc are always CRAMMED FULL of valuable fitness/self defense info that would be too time consuming to send out via e mail- see for yourself where many of my great ideas sprout from!

-in the Savage Files newsletter i attempt to give you the VERY BEST fitness/self defense info- but there is a VAST AMOUNT of info that doesn't quite make it- read it for yourself and watch as your life changes for the better!!

-you can easily e mail my Blog to a friend who needs this life changing info!

-doing your own newsletter: feel free to "swipe" anything from my blog to use in a newsletter of your own- just have a link back to the blog is all I ask in return

Don't wait another minute! Go to the Savage Blog NOW!!

Click here for Jack Savage's Fitness and Self Defense Blog:

Your Friend and instructor,

Jack Savage


From Yvette :

Yahoo Instant Messanger=YvetteSavage

I have just set up a little Blog of my own :)

It will also deal with Fitness and Self Defense- as well as some more naughtty subjects ( note- YES I've got spell check! Daaaaa! You have to misspell certain words to make it thru the SPAM filters! Daaaa X 2)

You can only get to my Blog by being over 18 and e mailing me directly :

L8ers Peeps!!


Coming soon!!
Savage ARMS OF STEEL program

Build the most massive and powerful arms imaginable training less than 5 min two times per week!!

This will be available FREE to Savage Files subscribers but will cost " mucho bucks " to everyone else!

This may be our first "electronic book" .

Miracle Fat Loss Formulas

Special herbals, teas, and other tried and true methods to safely flush fat from your body!

These are FAR better and FAR cheaper than the highly touted "fat loss formulas" advertised in the "bodybuilding rags".

PLUS Much, much more!!

You DON'T want to miss 06 for the revolutionary fitness and self defense info coming your way FREE to all Savage Files subscribers!

Important Contact Info:


Yahoo Instant Messanger=YvetteSavage

From Yvette: My new AOL screen name is YvetteSavage96. Please feel free to fire me an IM whenever you see me online. Depending on how busy I am and how time permits we can talk about anything fitness, self defense related, or anything else your little heart desires!

For e mail it is still best to use

I also have some pics available if you would like an idea of what the person you are communicating with looks like ( no not THOSE kinda of pics pervert! -at least not until you can convince me you are over 18 ;) - lol! )

In order to get the Quickest response to your questions please use the
following e mail addy's:

Orders- Use . I check this almost daily , anything
related is answered ; anything that should go to the fitness or self
defense e
mail addys is forwarded.

Fitness Questions : Use SavageFit@ goes directly to Jack.

Self Defense Questions: Use - goes directly to

DON'T USE : This is just to send the newsletter out
for unsubscribe requests. Everything else is either ignored or deleted
usually. Hopefully soon our webmaster will design a better way to do
this and this e
mail addy will poof entirely.

To contact me ( Yvette-in case you forgot already :) ) : ( special note : I'm NOT related in any way
shape or
form to Jack Savage, the e mail addy designed to connect with the
company )

IMs : YvetteSavage96 is my AOL screen name if you want to fire me an IM.
understand tho- IMs will be answered as I have spare moments so please
be patient.


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